F5 Box


As a complete newb to the forum I need some help. I recently got a skybox F% but some of the channels are scrambled ie SSN and ESPN also EuroS does anyone know how to get round this? thanks in advance as any advice is appreciated.
problem is in your cline or nline service provider ask him to active all channels on his card then it clear to you espn is now with bt pack it cost service provider extra £ 15 per month if he activate
madasssjambo try and get a test line to see if they clear as most supplier have bt sports on them but as you are saying sky sports news isnt clearing either if you are getting sky sports 1234 they should clear try aj channel list in your box
They have moved frequency, put in a new channel list and that will
sort it out, or update the frequency manually in the edit channel part of the menu.

Have a look here

AJ's is in the next link in this thread.