FTP in box?


Hi for those who use FileZilla does the username always have to be root and port no have to be 21 when FTPing to the box or any device for that matter?
You can set your own, but why would you want to? just leave it and if you forget your password, so be it as all you have to do is find the default password, which is only a google search away.
But I don't put anything in the password does that matter?

What I mean is does the username have to be root and port have to be 21 all the time?
Once it is working, what is the problem? if blank password is working, then leave it... I believe port has to be 21
Ok thanks. I will leave the settings as it is then.

I just thought was it mandatory to keep the settings or could you change it.
The password they tell you will be one of two things - blank or root, you must use port 21. no need to make things any more difficult than they need to be.

Considering the trouble you have following the instructions for setting up your box, what possible reason would you have for changing things up? As the saying goes KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid (not you).
Ye I root is username and password is usually blank. So port will always be port 21 whenever you FTP on ANY device?

Thanks for the clarification mate.

Unfortunately my box is screwed up and I have just lost hope if I'm being honest.
What general area are you in, surely there has to be someone from here near you??
What do you mean by area? My location?

I doubt anyone here will be able to actually physically come to me?

Plus isnt that risky?

Wheelo, you, bees, cactikid and many others have always been great in helping me and I am sorry if I havent always been the easiest to deal with. I have read Vix manual multiple times, I have read many guide and tutorials on setting the box up yet I am still having some issues whereas some other people arent. I really have tried mate, but maybe its just bad luck on my part. Part of me wants to get rid of the box and go back to plug and play but I know I would HATE it as E2 boxes are so great in its specs and features its impossible to move from it. I dont know mate atm im just not bothered anymore.
Yes, like I say I live in Dublin, that is no problem, I say I live in 123 kkk road, dublin, that is a problem. what city do you live in? Or, if you wanted to pay for postage both ways, someone (I am sure) would offer to do the set up for you and send it back.
There are many ways to skin a cat, Start by telling me what city/county you live in, and we'll work from there.
Im from the midlands mate.

Postage I wouldnt mind paying both ways but Im struggling for cash atm so that is not an option atm im afraid.

Thing is I followed bees and your guide to the tee but like I said in another thread I am having issues with VIX spinning sign, Cable EPG etc.

I got a bad feeling the issues I am having is to do with the box itself and not image related. So I cant return the box either so Im screwed basically.