A few years back, there was a tejano singer named Selena killed by her fan club president. In the days after, albums of hers were selling at a mad pace. Her unfinished english language album was shoved out, with half english half spanish songs. Her tribute concert was moved from here in Corpus (her hometown) to Houston, to allow more people to attend. Visitors came by, wanting to see her boutique, where she lived, her gravesite......and where she was murdered. They wanted to go to the room where she was shot to take pics. The motel had renumbered all of its rooms to hide which one it really was, but there was always someone to direct them to the correct room.
It's been 14yrs since it happened, and they still hold a memorial service on the day she was murdered, and a celebration on her birthday. She has had 3 "tribute" albums come out since then, and controversy about her life hasn't stopped. Even her murderer has started rumors, that tv stations report on and investigate. So far, nothing has come true.....but that hasn't stopped the rumors.
Her murderer was sentenced to life in prison in 1995......and will be elligable for parole in 16yrs.