hi all

I think that is ONE of the things that can be achieved by jailbreaking.
This will all depend on your baseband version, and if ultrasn0w supports it.
version 7.1.1 modem firmwere 5.2.00 if it can be done can you point me in the right direction on which jailbreak to download many thanks

Give Evasion 7 ago for your Jailbreak, Once you have managed to jailbreak your phone you will need to add the Ultrasn0w repo, witch is http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com/
link above not working m8
Just fill in the online form on the Vodaphone website, make sure you've got £20 credit on the phone and Vodaphone will get in touch with Orange and get the unlock code for you. Can take up to 10 days from start to finish. Once the process is done, you'll get an email telling you to insert a "non Orange" sim in the handset and plug into itunes.Follow the instructions and the phone will then be sim free. (Network unlocked). Better than Jailbreaking in my opinion. You'll need to get your EMEI number from the handset beforehand.Just google that bit.
Think with unlocking via jailbreak is if for any reason you lose your jailbreak you lose your unlock too. I'd just pay the £20 and get a permanent factory unlock done.