IS the starview server down again in Belfast

guessing this is a mute point from the thread but is the starview server down in south wales area too !

so which is the best box i have starview 7

Added after 9 minutes:

guessing this is a mute point from the thread but is the starview server down in south wales area too !

looking that way seems to be affecting everywhere mate
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Surely Starview operators should keep all of it's customers informed off any technical problems that they occur . Then all it's customers would no were we stand

Added after 11 minutes:

From another tech site

so, we are told there are servers overseas for starview, and more than one server for different parts of the uk.
then its coincidental that all of these servers have had this burn out problem at exactly the same time!
sureley the servers are not located in one room/building, so how could this happen? and starview have nothing in place in case of such an event?.
whatever anyone says it seems to me starview have very little customer support and couldnt care less if their customers are happy after they have taken our money, its always an excuse with starview and because of that i wont be recommending any more of their products to anyone else. this so called card reader burn out has managed to effect all the boxes in the uk in one go, so the we have different servers is all bull... anyway when the new card readers are sourced and fitted the service will of course be better than ever with no channel loss like we have had in the past few weeks and we will be more than happy, and the few days we will have to wait for them to fix it starview will of course give us all extra days on our 12 month thing...... i think not, i think starview are ging to lose a whole lot of customers and i think kryptview will get a deluge of ex starview users coming their way.

thanks for the info lincsat , id believe it if we were all on one server but ive been told too many times there are a few overseas servers and it would be highly coincidental that they would all suffer from the same fault at the same time.

starview used to be really bad before the hd came along , then they got ok for a few months , now they have stepped back in time and are crap again with suspect server issues, i wont be defending them again, when clio1 comes along and rubs it in that sv are rubbish and run out in 12 months etc hes right they are crap and need to be binned.

i hope starview get it sorted with the one new card reader in their one server for all of the uk and when its back on it s amazing because if not they might as well sign the liquidation forms now and forget buying the new part!!
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all i want to know is if it will come back on i have only had my box for 3 month and had nothink but problems
card reader has burnt replacement is available but in china.....problem is,china is celebrating new year! we may end up waiting a few days,but hey!..thats glad iv my sat box..never lets me down..yippee!
Sounds like servers are down all over for how long is anyones guess! It isnt the 1st time and im sure wont be the last time. Problem is you pay your money and have to take the chance! Personally i steered clear of either.

As said thats why people are steering towards the Kryptviews who seem to havea better service. So guys n gals be patient and once servers are back up and running you will see it on here on the starview forum
The Kryptviews can be problematic also, agreed not as much as the starview 7, the past month channels on the Kryptview have been up and down also, as said if you connect via the web (Lan) be prepared to have these issues.

From reading around there is a new Eurovox Blade on the horizon using the same method of clearing the channels. Should be interesting to see how this preforms.
price should be intresting, and will it be a 12 month contract like the shite SV7 H.
no m8, just have2 b patient til servers are up & running again. bin off in bristol all day yesterday plus today. lol