keycode for 6000cd rds eon

Hi there , been trying for a while now to find the key code for my 600cd RDS , my serial number is - T133134


The correct radio SERIAL NUMBER is required for a code

It usually begins with M or V followed by SIX digits ...such as M654321 or V654321

Sometimes pressing buttons 6 & 1 together or 6 & 2 will display this number

Otherwise remove the radio from the dashboard and post the SERIAL NUMBER found on a label on the casing
Please please could someone help with my radio code
6000 cd e-o-n
Serial code: M002655

Long journeys are so boring without my radio!!

Thanks in advance:)
Hello,i have problems whit my ford focus c-max radio and cd plaeyr 3 days ago i remove my batery and radio ask me keycode pleas help me the serial nomber of radiao is M197844
ford focus, I inherited from Father in law no longer with us, the battery was dead I can't find the code
I think the serial is M507019
Thank you
So I can't seem to find the serial number anywhere, when I pop the radio of the dash there is no number at all however when pressing 6&1 together of the radio the only 6 didgit number that showed was 09-00-00 could this be the serial number with either an M or V at the start ?? Trying to sort this key code out for my grandmother and I don't drive or know much about cars so please excuse my ignorance and probably stupidity to the subject
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