kryptview probs.


can some 1 tell me what's going on with kryptview,it's really bad today keeps stopping for a few seconds losing the channel. its happening on all channels, not very happy person only had box 2 weeks, and i thought starview was bad.ive got my correct id code for my network, everythink was working a few days ago. any help would be appreciated.:(
There appears to be a problem with the server huds. Im afraid all we can do is sit back and wait. Time limit has varied in the past so lets keep our fingers crossed its rectified sooner rather than later.

jodav :)
No problems with the server !! maybe an area problem as there are no other reports and if there was there would be an influx of posts so i suggest people check there providers website for problems.
getting issues now in the lanarkshire area as well now for KV box only effecting premium channels on SD. seems more likely a developing server issue HD channels on the KVHD boxs are operated seperately so should not be effected although as yet unable to confirm. expect a server reboot to resolve at some point so likely be a complete loss of service for a period tend to do these during the night so might not see outage.
Barry no reports still of this as yet also vermin are working in a lot of areas but might not have it on there status page
Hopefuly your glitching problem has calmed down a bit now huds (Monday 4\3 21.45pm), hopefuly for a while.

jodav :)
Seems the issue had stabilised in my area as well for the moment. Certainly now watchable by all accounts.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the reply, tried all the usual except the splitter. I used to have lots of problems on sv7 with splitters, used to change them every 4 to 5 months and that always did the trick so i'll give that a try.
Sounds a good idea, also another thing I always try is to swap the splitter feeds over between the box and ntl modem just incase one of them has a bad termination.

jodav :)
could these glitchin problems in brum b why my kv wont search for channels
only flashed it today but wont pick nufin up ;(
Doug have you checked vermin website for tv faults in your area and are you using correct net id from a sub box..?
Answer: courtesy of cactikid ! lol

Using your subbed box... Not the KV box.

Press the home button on your VM remote control.
Go to settings.
Then technical stuff.
Your net id is the first item on the list.
i havent got vm box anymore just the internet
any1 fom oldbury way now?

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got my id off neighbour workin fine many thanx
somebody with a brain ,that makes things easier,dont forget things may change long live good neighbours.(y)