kryptview probs.

None of it the servers are quite capable of having thousands and thousands on it there are two many variable to pin point any exactly, you have the server the uploaders the net your net your cable feed noise on the line etc etc everyone of these would have to be 100%, which is not going to happen so people are bound to get some sort of glitching etc but you dont pay a sub and its free after you buy the box so little to complain about in my books, if you want 100% perfect take a full sub out and even then your provider cannot guarantee a 100% service either.
Im not conplaining.
It is what it is.
You pay yer money and take yer chance.
After using s/v any things better. No subs and actualy works !
Pretty certain there will be new software release in next few weeks to stabilise the issues the guys are aware of the issue and taking steps to try and correct it and all at no extra cost that's customer service. Lets just hope they deliver.

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