No Jab No Job!

It should be of choice, ive had people in my family die with covid but it wasnt the main factor, i know people who have had it and were ok. It s should be up to every individual on whether the vacine is right for them.
I havent had mines yet but family members have. There's to many conflicting stories on the pros and cons, and how quick it has came to market as such. But each to there own an i have nothing against people who have had it or haven't.
Theres a huge difference between dying with, and dying from absolutely anything.
The figures worldwide have been skewed by people dying from, let's say cancer, then getting tested before autopsy testing positive with covid, and becoming a covid statistic.
I think this is a complete travesty of natural justice and families will have to take legal cases to get their loved ones off the statistics.
Also, here in Eire (and I presume UK top people presenting with a badly broken arm/leg needing an operation, getting tested upon admission(for leg/arm) and returning a positive test, they are now recorded as a covid patient requiring hospitalisation, even though they have no symptoms.

It is situations like these that have added fuel to the conspiracy theorists fire as they have legitimate grievances with the governmental statistics.
Thats exactly what i mean. Maybe didnt come accross that way. My wife's grandmother was giving a few months to live due to dymentia, had sufferd for years with it but the postive covid test was what was on the death certificate. Nothing from the previous year, months days were taking into account. Statistics from government doesnt help.
It's not some hocus pocus magic cure witches potion that will turn you into a mushroom. An Easy way to explain it is,

They inject you with a slightly modified version of the virus (less toxic so to speak)

your body then see's it and defends itself against it (antibodies) hense why you "MIGHT" big "MIGHT" feel slightly off colour for a few hours,
You body then builds up a defence so if you do at any point contract Covid your body has built up a defence mechanism against it lessening the chance you will need to go into hospital.
again make a note of this = it will HELP you fight the virus not kill it on it's own.

Vaccines do not kill germs
Vaccines arent the magic cure nor are they a poisonous toxic man made germ killer, your own immune system makes it's own defence against the virus. This is no more than a kick start for your body that will stop you from suffocating and drowning from the inside and spending time in hospital with the chance of dying.

If you don't want to have the jab then fine fill yer boots but I would do this:

Have a sign out "Opted out vaccines"
so if you ever need hospital treatment due to contracting a virus when there's a working vaccine in place then you will be refused hospital treatment if needed thus saving the NHS time and money and they can put their efforts into anyone vulnerable or susceptible after having the vaccine (low immune systems) .

Your unused vaccine slot should then be shipped aboard to a 3rd world country and used on someone who would put it to good use.
I don't believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden and I don't believe that if I plant magic beans at the bottom of my garden I'll meet the giant,

9/11 happened,
Neil Armstrong landed on the moon,
The world's round,
And Elvis doesn't shop at Asda,

Had the vaccine been around right at the beginning of this pandemic reports are over 80% of deaths would have been prevented.
Lots of people would still have grand parents to visit so why people think there's this mass culling program going on simply beggar's belief.

I say,
each to their own especially the conspiracy theorists who simply want something to believe in.

Simply stop watching the YouTube nobbers, Covid19 is real and I just hope you never end up on a ventilator gasping for air while the virus sucks the life out of you.

Grab a jab and believe in the people who work in the labs the Virology experts the scientist not Travis Brett Hamburger "hit my like button" YouTube'ist with 1 million followers
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