Sky box f3s

Hi, would someone be able to explain how I can connect my f3s box to my Sky HD box

Wanna do this to prevent having to change leads every time I switch boxs

Any help would be appreciated

why do you need to change leads, just add another hdmi, one for each box. Saves changing leads, switch a box off and the other takes over
why do you need to change leads, just add another hdmi, one for each box. Saves changing leads, switch a box off and the other takes over

There's only one hdmi slot on the f3s box

---------- Post Merged at 03:56 PM ----------

Sorry ignore that.

Because there's only two feeds going from the dish to the Sky HD box

For me to use the f3s I need to remove one then the sky HD box becomes unstable
why do you need to change leads, just add another hdmi, one for each box. Saves changing leads, switch a box off and the other takes over

There's only one hdmi slot on the f3s box

---------- Post Merged at 03:56 PM ----------

Sorry ignore that.

Because there's only two feeds going from the dish to the Sky HD box

For me to use the f3s I need to remove one then the sky HD box becomes unstable

Is there something I can do with the loop connector on the f3s that I can do with something on the sky HD box so I don't have to unscrew cables all the time ??
i got an HDMI 3 to 1 splitter box off well known auction site as i only have 2 HDMI sockets on my tv and needed 3 (tivo, blu-ray and amiko) so now tivo goes straight into tv socket, splitter box into other socket on tv then amiko and blu-ray into splitter box and still leaves me one spare socket to play with.
small remote comes with splitter box so you can pick which box you want to watch.
don't really know anything about your box but this system has worked well for me for the last 12 months and the box is very small and tucks away nicely