skybox f5 s europe multi sat TP and channel list


does any one know where a can find a up to date multi sat TP and channel list for a skybox f5s



I am also looking for a channel list for f5s. The channel guide is rubbish and I would like to update it please? Thanks
the prob is that the f5 / s can only hold so many chans it makes it inpossible to have a full multi sat
with out having to delete some chans the best way is to scan the sats you want and delete the chans from them
you dont need ie none speaking english i have a chan list with
sky uk
7 west
16 e
30 w
1 west
23.5 east
39 e
36 e
7 e
4.8 e
45 e
9 e
4 w
57 e

but i had to delete some chans from these sats
The best list that I have found is AJs channel list. It is available through this forum if you do a search. Obviously try and find the most recent updated list. Anytime I have problems with scrambled or missing channels I download the most recent version and install them and it solves the problem. :-)