Starview Connection issues

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hello all im just a bit confused ,not easy lol /// ive sent my mac address to the kiddy ,does he want the mac address of my modem or s/v/box .aint sure if ya can help me much apreicated getting no ip adress it set to auto ?????
crafty tune box off 2min reboot box and modem go to non fta channel
press 1819 and wait few min if not connected email mac but kiddy say they
are colne out let see what happen
i cant seem to get my ip address up on the network ,,i cant find mac address on the back i have a barcode there with a code underneath it looks like a barcode ,code ....puddled
i cant seem to get my ip address up on the network ,,i cant find mac address on the back i have a barcode there with a code underneath it looks like a barcode ,code ....puddled

Your MAC address is a 12 digit hexedecimal number consisting of 12 digits from 0 to 9 and A to F, and should be somewhere on the back of your starview box.

It will look something like this. B143CF2FA6C1 If it is not on the back, maybe check inside.
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bobby thanks thats the 1 ive sent ////still no ip address in network tho ,thanks to every1 for the help

Added after 6 minutes:

jodav i just found it inside ,bloody hell , nice one mate ,lol but its got no letters with it just numbers /00266104068d/ well 1 letter this right
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Well I have my fingers crossed for a few of you on here who have been having problems for some time, even if a couple of you get sorted it would be nice, it must be very frustrating.
I just hope there are no other issues that are causing your perticular problem :)
Cant find the mac on the back there is only a barcode with a number underneath all numbers no letters but if I check in my router settings under client list the starview is listed as Mvision S5 STB 00 26 61 01 ## ## am I correct in thinking this is the mac of the box. I have sent of both numbers in a hope that on of them are correct
ok guys your mac address is in side on mother board ;)

if you look in through the top you will see it....
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i guess well just have to wait

You'll just have to wait for what ???

more info in posts help


if your looking for somewhere to make a first post Padraig read email and PM from admin and forum rules
got my cover of my box now no sticker inside with mac address. i also have the starview 7 HD and that does have a sticker inside
your right mdog i have two boxes mine and my mates his as mac inside mine dont ? but mine as been running from smgo1
your right mdog i have two boxes mine and my mates his as mac inside mine dont ? but mine as been running from smgo1

same got no mac address on back of stb and none on bottom or inside with cover off.

looking at ways to try and obtain mac adddress from connecting to a laptop via network cable possilby an nslookup function of sorts still working on it at end of day the mac address is the network adaptors hardware address which is transmitted to server so should be obtainable
I was able to find mine by going to the router admin page (normally and selecting attached devices... Not as easy for everyone tho but thought I'd pass on how I got mine. Sent it off a few days ago when the address came out but still no joy :(
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