Starview NOT Resurrected??? STILL DEAD.

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You will eat your words:moon:

I think the Kiddy and Starkings have been eating theirs since July there service has been a shambles since then lol not to mention a post i seen yesterday by the kiddy saying they had 1000 boxes working, yet he said they could only do 40 connections a day, his words not mine so today is the 19 so from the 15th to the 19 correct me if my math is wrong here is 4 days times 40 === 160 connections, so that is a long long way away from 1000, so who is telling lies here, all documented on the forum m8 :moon: so i think your words and dribble been fed to you are coming out of your :moon: m8 tbh back to the mushroom farm m8 your dinner is calling. lol
rats sort out peoples money sort out the movies etc and im sure that be the end off it provide a good service.
You enjoy your bullshit till it blows back in your face enjoy:woohoo:

If you`ve nothing constructrive to post then dont post at all.

Splurting out the same sh*te as the rest of the sv muppets that were banned here.

Now why dont you go back over to your bum chums on your little forum & leave the posting here to the intelligent people.
Rats weir your just another monkey in the chain do you work for bananas lol

More like a puppet on a string lol

The Kiddy in hiding lol

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Its strange really, thought i would do as Rats said and look on there forum, all i see is people still asking why boxes are not working and when will the channels come back on? And kiddy said the other day that they only had 120 activations to do as everyone else had been refunded, so going by that everyone should be activated and happy now..........mmmmm dont think so
the wont be happy till they can squeeze a few more quid out the belivers and john welsh if you check its the same price 60 a year but on sat you can watch the channels not the scrambled sign
Its strange really, thought i would do as Rats said and look on there forum, all i see is people still asking why boxes are not working and when will the channels come back on? And kiddy said the other day that they only had 120 activations to do as everyone else had been refunded, so going by that everyone should be activated and happy now..........mmmmm dont think so

What did you actually think you would find they would all be jumping up and down with joy lol m8 this has been going on since July so i would expect no changes, i am surprised they are not doing carol singing like they where, seeing they cant watch their channels lol
I heard them singing carols too,so I wrote a little ditty.........(see if you can guess whom It's written about)

Good kiddie's senseless members ran out.
Coz he started thievin.
When the subs(£££'s) lay round about.
Deep and crisp and even.
Brightly shone the box that night.
But the following morning was cru-el
When the poor man saw the red light.
he threw in the towel.

Just been on their forum and from what i can see is if you have paid a sub in Sept or Oct you have to pay them again, they are telling people they need to resub even though all the channels are still not back lol there is also a section they have set up with people claiming to have resubbed and there boxes have been activated, most of the people are made up with just one post my box is back on lol do they actually think people are thick well maybe so because if they do they are, you could not believe the words prayer from them.
Just been on their forum and from what i can see is if you have paid a sub in Sept or Oct you have to pay them again, they are telling people they need to resub even though all the channels are still not back.

Possibly because MrKiddie hasn't been paying his bills to the real SV server operator and, now their paypal accounts are seized, they have no money to pay for the Sept/Oct subs. They've effectively lost that money but instead of admitting its their fault and absorbing the cost they expect the customers to pay again. To add insult to injury the price of the subs has also risen.

Very Shoddy:disgust:.
I too have been reading posts over there (despite being banned) and although I try to read all the information obstructively, I have to say there is very little evidence to show that any activations have actually taken place.
Any posters who claim to have been reactivated are, as correctly pointed out, one post ponies. To even suggest somebody would join just to say they'd been reconnected is quite frankly very weak.
With the amount of time that has passed and the great number of people requesting, a refund, reactivation, info etc. surely the forums would now be crammed with people claiming to be back up and running again and it just isn't happening. There's more people now complaining about the service than there are claiming to be up again. There's even more people ( presumably with boxes that are currently still subscribed ) asking when their missing channels will return and these also outnumber those claiming to be up again.

Call me sceptical, but all the evidence points to more and more people complaining and fewer and fewer claiming to be back up again.

I'm now totally convinced it was over some months ago and as the number of people losing service has risen, this has only strengthened my opinion. I personally decided some time ago that they wouldn't be receiving another penny from me. Worldpay is far too risky from an organisation that has lost all it's credibility due to a Paypal and non existent customer service fiasco.
Maybe they are frantically trying to resurrect the service, on the other hand, maybe they're just lining their own pockets knowing that those that lose money have no chance of getting anything back.

You decide.
@ knickersintwist, you have had your say now F off go do some housework hatter

Their customer service is a thing of inspiration....
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Taken from there shithole forum.

In there chatbox just now.

20-12-2012 18-00-58.jpg

SO this is why they want you to pay twice lol.

Then you still get a poor channel list if it does infact come back on once you have paid the second time.

According to there site these channels are working, the majority of them are free anyway lol.

sly living it
sly 1

cha 4 +1




itv 4+1
sony tv

god channel
sly arts 1

true movies
film 4
film 4 +1

s sports 1,2,3.4


extreme sports
espn,,espn america..espn..classic
liverpool tv
motors tv

bbc news
sly news


the community chan
discovery chan
nat geo
nat geo+1
crime and invest


disney xd

tiny pop

mtv base
mtv hits
mtv dance
mtv rocks
4 music
the box
smash hits

all audio bbc itv etc

price drop tv

cbs drama is on channel 0802[abp news]

---------- Post Merged at 06:23 PM ----------

Another funny fact, here is Jake taken a payment and confirming it with another member then in the announcements in the chatbox is~


Announcement: We are not Starview, but a help and support related forum, we have no control over subs, missing channels and activations... NO NEWS OR UPDATES PRESENTLY..please stop asking, we will post if we get any

So basically I will take your money but when it doesn't come on don't moan about it on here lol.
I would take all the people saying they have paid in the shoutbox and in posts with a pinch of salt, they could be Sv people using alias to let people think these people have paid its a bit like the fish with the hook and worm, they need someone to see others paying to hook them into paying as well.
its a waste m8 you tell them not to pay wait till channels are up and running then the next line they type will my will my box be connected it might get connected but you get no channels they like rats to a sinking ship
As i say most of the posters on there are duplicate members of Sv staff hook line and sinker lol
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