This is doing my head in!!

this thread was started by you healm..10 days ago..i would have gone loopy by day 3 (and i nearly did..!!) and rode by bike in the rain to someones house in this forum (bees was closest although still far) and paid them in cash to make my box work..!!

Ahh !! funny !! London to Liverpool by bike !! in the rain !!! Why not put the box in the post !! lol
Is the a780 as difficult to set up as Healm made out . Have found one to purchase, but worried about setting it up. My tele does not have a facility for a r232 on the back of it.
The R232 cable is used between the box and router/hub, speak to your supplier nicely they may update box for you, after that further updates can be done via the box remote
Supersim be honest I struggled at first, but since then I have done another in less then 5 minutes, if you follow my thread from the beginning you should find all the answers there, if not Ted or Catikid are the lads you need
you lot are losing the plot or tipsy lol,rs232 is the null modem cable that is used for flashing the box and is connected to old style pc desktop or lapttop=identical to the one on back of kv needed on pc or desktop for flashing only.

from box to router is the rj45/cat5/lan/internet

always best to read the tuts/stickies look at the videos ,buy the wrong cable,then shoutted help lol
Correct, my cock-up, thanks for pointing it out took four days before anyone noticed it, including
Well said Catikid, "you lot are losing the plot or tipsy lol" but can I say it the season of goodwill or is it just me that's started drinking early, anyway made me chuckle when I read your comment, I thought it was wrong cable Lac was on about but it took me 2 weeks to flash my 1st box so what do I know, nowt!!!
Bit of a query here lads, thinking of installing KV box in conservatory, got the virgin cable and splitter, my question is will I need to plug a internet cable in to port on Hub, or is they another way. thanks
Yeah all boxes need internet feeds,

Homeplugs work well, you need a pair,
One to router then into the ring main,
other from a plug socket in your conservatory to the second box (or are you just relocating the first one, it doesn't matter either way)

Something like this should do

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Just google homeplugs then, you should get a pair of 200mbps one for around £15-25

They are just plug and play, they come with software but I have never had to install it
your box will pick them up automatically.
Weedave is sorted..The ted special went overseas..irie land..!!.but now currently on a mission..been sent a 780 display..jack.. 240 going into board but nothing 8 capacitors from RS..3.80 (thanks kone) and will try them and see what happens or if any one has a faulty one out there eg comes on but dont do anything..will be welcomed.. Thanks
Ps.. I am using this thread so when i do get all will know where to find me..!!
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As my mum always said.."engineers were born and not made"...! Changed 3 caps and then thought..plug in and try it...The green dot only came on ..then it displayed ON..(creaming my pants by now..!!) and then 0100...on demand channel.. I am the dogs nuts.. will let you all know how it if it does work then i think that puts me up there as the KV King...!!

And yes i am blowing my own trumpet..well someone has to..!! pps anyone with a box that wont come on ...get it ready..!! haha

---------- Post Merged at 03:19 PM ----------

Its just had the Dell/Null treatment... download successful... now about to hook it up and scan and lets see what happens.. sly sports 1 is waiting for me..!!

---------- Post Merged at 03:37 PM ----------

its just doing software update online...unzip started..looking good folks(you like the running commentary..were talking live...flashing..pls wait till re booted...system info date now 16/08/2013.. just scanning etc now..Tp list 6/58 at the moment... so far so good..
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CRICKET IS ON THE REPAIRED BOX...sly sports 1... (and yes i am shouting hence the caps..cactikid..!! haha ) Ted is the King

---------- Post Merged at 04:29 PM ----------

So who's box is next..!! Seriously folks i am impressed with my handy work and i now know that even a dead box is fixable for what... less than the price of a large portion of chips from the chippy..!!
Nice one bees...its still showing fine and i just text the person and they are over the moon as the box was due for the no all good..
The Repaired box folks is still working fine.. got dispatched yesterday to its owner and just in time for christmas... just call me santa..!!
My pal down the road won the "not working" A780 from fleabay... last night..70 quid for a broken box...on the assumption i can make it work again..!! So will it be a case of 2nd time lucky (will change the same 3 capacitors) or it could be taking a trip up north..( to some middlesborough know who you are..haha) and once it turns up i will let you all know how it goes... Ted (bringing back the dead)
Ps...20 years ago you would never of dreamed of buying something that "don't work"... there was loads of bids on it..!!
As britney spears sang.."oops i did it again".... (i have 2 daughters before anyone gets any Another box now fixed by Ted and his bag of capacitors...Dont you just love it "when a plan comes together"... An 850 is next on my hit list..!! haha