VM Sound Issue Fix 22-11-17

A few have had to run software update a couple of times after installing 6.1 even though 2.9 is installed, Also was it a clean install with no settings backup as there could be an issue from previous settings
A few have had to run software update a couple of times after installing 6.1 even though 2.9 is installed, Also was it a clean install with no settings backup as there could be an issue from previous settings
Hi yes it was a clean install and no audio yet
Are you sure you are running ABM 2.9 and not ABM 2.8 m8, did you put any back-ups settings back into your box...??
Hi iv done a fresh install and sett up with wooshbuild v7

I have had my h2h box for 3 years and know how to set up.
I`v enter all my details and tryed following you post but i cant get my line working
Freevew working

I have put what iv done on end off you instions ie reboot (done)

1. Install ABM 2.9 thru the plugin feeds. (Cant find i think this is already installed in v7)

2. Install CAMS feed, IPK from here (Done)

3. Reboot(done)
4. Go back into plugin feeds and install softcam Mgcamd 1.38. (All ready showing + i cant find it to install)

5. Reboot (done)

6. Set your tuner back up for your netid and your ABM settings. Scan channels (I,v enter all my details)

7. Enter your line into /usr/keys/newcamd.list (done)

8. If you need a working mg.cfg file, get it here. Put it into /usr/keys folder. (Done - I noted you fire is just a bit smaller then the one it installed so swap)

9. Press blue>softcam>softcam panel and start the cam (done)

I`v been trying for 12 hours now and still cant get my line working (it was working fine before update)
any help greatfully accepted