I know this is an old thread now but just thought I would chip in with my experience of pixelling which Pab has been helping me with. Like Andrew this came suddenly and did come and go. bought all the recommended splitters and used the correct wires and used the shortest length of cable.( and I'm talking 12 inches coming into the house. my box is up against the wall its that short). everything I did it seemed to cure it and then next day it would be back. I tend to watch sport only but it gets unwatchable. however I'm pretty sure its down to my internet signal. basically when my mrs put on Netflix in our main room it seems to start the pixelling. then shes shopping or whatever on her Ipad, along with watching Netflix and it gets worse, then I get on my laptop to try and find out why my pixelling is ruining my life and it goes crazy. so basically turn every other device using your broadband off and it should be ok. Maybe there is something that I can do about this . would this booster help me? maybe. what do you this.?