help needed

Mgcamd. 1.35a I'm all sorted bought a new line that came in a newcamdlist file that worked 1st time, thanks to tich for pointing me in the right direction.
your on the wrong cam need to disable that cam..then you need to download new cam to your box look at plugins on your box then cams .. you need cam 2.1.3 make sure you install it and activate it ..
That is not right he has a Nline Not a Cline N lines work better in mg cam not CCcam

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nline uses 1.35 or for twin tuners 1.38 for mgcfg and newcamd.list
clines used old 2.1.3 now using 2.3.0 cccam.

thats why people get issues stick with the correct protocol as it makes life easier.