Automatically strip adverts from recording?


TK Veteran
Is there a way I can automatically strip the adverts from recordings?


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I recorded 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, when I played it back all the adverts were cut out, I have no idea how I did it if I did it at all. Would love to know what I did.
I thought I remembered reading there was a piece of software that auto detects and cuts them out either while it's being recorded or via some sort of post-prcessing

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There is a plugin called Cutlist editor which i normally there as default, certainly in OpenATV. I think is accessible from the file list / planner button and then menu? I could be wrong.

But, as far as I am aware this is a manual process which marks start and end points, so you would need to wizz though the recording and mark each bit with Rachel in.
Yea it's manual

i heard talk of a plugin on the site I looked it up and it did do the job of removing the adverts
but from the main app page. It said it took 15mins per hour of recording to do its thing

so that's out the window.

normal one press of 9 and one press of the 6. Skips most of the adverts for me.
On mine VU+ (Open Vix) when watching a recording when adverts come on press 9? (i think) or > and it skips the adverts.