iptv question



can someone explain iptv 2 connections no ip lock

can you have 2 connections at different propertys or is not not allowed

thank you
No ip lock would suggest that they can be used at different addresses. Ultimately though it's down to whatever the provider allows so you need to check with them.
If referring to multiroom ie 2 connections to 1 sub it can't be used at your house and neighbours 3 doors down as it's multiroom not multi house so has to be on same ip address same house.
Multi connection ie 2 single subs can be used anywhere different houses.

IP lock is where it will lock to that ip address what makes the first connection to server to stop lines been shared for example if you had multiroom with ip lock it would lick to your ip as made first connection and if your mate tried to connect once you had connected and locked ip it wouldnt work and no ip lock is where you can login from different locations as not ip locked but most servers now have it where if they see the sub/multiroom over connecting it will ban the line and auto be removed from the servers