Offical Movie Thread

Yeah cool! Glad I could help =]

It starts off kind of slow, but once the main character gets her "son" back, it picks up. Jolie's acting is really good at drawing you in emotionally, makes you feel for her character.
I thought it was a pretty decent flick as well. Certainly a good job by Angelina. The fact it's 'based on a true story' makes it pretty cool as well.
Definitely! True stories give it that much more impact when you think about the movie.

I'm no fan of Jolie and her big duck lips, but she was great in it.

I watched The Blues Brothers yesterday too *dances*
Love it!
G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra has been in post-production since 12 May 2008. Filming took 3 months. I'm not happy with some of the casting....but then again, most aren't when a cartoon comes to live action movie.

Oh, G.I. Joe is going to stand for:

Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity.

On a worse note (in my opinion) the are getting ready to start fiming The Three Stooges with Sean Penn as Moe, Benicio Del Torro as Larry, and Jim Carrey as Curly :sick:

They are also looking to remake Total Recall and Red Dawn.

---------- Post added at 11:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 PM ----------

Definitely! True stories give it that much more impact when you think about the movie.

I'm no fan of Jolie and her big duck lips, but she was great in it.

I watched The Blues Brothers yesterday too *dances*
Love it!

I love the Blues Brothers. I have both movies on dvd. I remember watching The Blues Brothers in the theater......with over half the crowd singing along with them!!
I also heard about the 3 Stooges up and coming. Does not sound appealing to me either. Some classics should be left alone.

The preview for GI Joe certainly didn't win me over. I was hoping for a more classic feel.
I love the Blues Brothers. I have both movies on dvd. I remember watching The Blues Brothers in the theater......with over half the crowd singing along with them!!

That would've been great! I only just bought the 2-DVD pack yesterday, FINALLY.

Has anyone seen Valkyrie?
Was thinking of getting it, but not sure if it would be worth it or not..
I have an imdb pro account, and I've been following the gi joe flick since early last year. The casting alone got me feeling sick. Marlon Wayans as Ripcord....Brenden Fraiser as Gung H0, The Rock as Shipwreck, Jason Gordon Levitt as Cobra Commander....*shudders*

G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra
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I backed it up, but haven't watched it yet. Sorry. Maybe Endo has seen it.

Jason Gordon Levitt? What the heck?
Back story was Cobra Commander, Duke, were friends in school and both had a thing for The Baroness who was also a student. One thing led to another, and they became enemies fighting for her affection.
Truth and justice (and knowing is half the battle lol ) is out the window to the quest for female affection. *sighs*
SPOILER: Cobra Commander's history has varied over the years. In the comics he was a salesman who succumbed to megalomania; in G.I. Joe he was a member of a secret society; and in the film he was Duke and Ripcord's comrade-in-arms named Rex (Latin for "king", foreshadowing his position as a leader), who was critically wounded and left behind in a chemical attack, and gained special abilities and a desire to "re-order" the world.
^^ I like Sam Raimi back in his hey-day. I've been tempted to see this one as well. ^^

Thanks for the heads up Axxxo!
Watched Death At A Funeral again last night.
Love that movie, the guy on those acid pills cracks me up every time..
Death At A Funeral is hilarious. I especially love the opening scene when the bring in the casket and open it so he can see his father. What continues on kept me laughing throughout the film.
watched slumdog millionaire last night cant see what all the fuss was all about ,good film not a great film:)
My dad loved Death At A Funeral too, he was laughing the whole way through it.

And thanks hill, you've confirmed my suspicions about that Slumdog movie, I won't bother with it now haha
I also thought Slumdog was good but not great. My vote for the award would have been Gran Torino.

But i've said that before, probably in this thread. ;)
Yeah, I think we all voiced that while Slumdog was good, it wasn't great. Gran Torino, on the other hand, was great and completely overlooked by the oscar comittee.