Offical Movie Thread

Finally got to see XMen Origins: Wolverine

And while i enjoyed the movie for what it was, it is NOT accurate for those who followed the comics. For those people like me, who did follow the comics growing becomes a source of frustration when they don't stay true to the story.

All in all, 7/10.
I liked that one 7th. Maybe it's because I've never been much for comic books. I thought it was pretty good.
I've heard the same from other people who did not follow the comics. Perhaps i was just expecting them to stick a little closer to how things actually happened. Understandably there are a lot of stories to cross and therefore a little more difficult to keep everything on the same time table and in the same course of events.
I liked it. I wasn't that much into comics when I was a kid, except G.I. Joe. Friends of mine and I used to go thru those comics like crazy. I had a few friends that couldn't get around the idea of a movie being a prequel, as they had already know what happens, but trying to imagine them getting to that point confused them.
Wolverine is awesomee !!
i actually love it, although i havent seen any other X-Men movies.
:) haha
has anyone seen the new Star Trek?? if not then you have to go.. i liked the movie and the way they tied it together was brilliant if you ask me.. don't read books so if there is a book that does this the GM dunnit know about it. LOL.

Lots of action, good humor, and terrific graphic effects and such....

Must see IMO!!!
I'm still trying to find time to see that one GM. The previews look good. I'll have to make time to see this one.
yeah looking forward to seeing it have heard all good things about it
have seen the sean penn movie MILK very good movie even though a bit slow in parts Sean Penn is very good though :)
watched The Horsemen the other day, terrible terrible film, nothing of interest in it at all to be honest, poor Mr. Quaid, he's not a bad actor at all but he does get some bogus roles!

He was great for instance in a great oldie called Inner Space

Just dont waste your time with The Horsemen!
Star Trek was good. Got my hands on a decent copy and was really pleased with it. It was a lot better than I had thought, in this half-trekkie's opinion!!

Just watched Killshot & thought it was a good watch.

I'd give it a 7/10.

Even the TAG Line is good,

Yesterday she was a witness. Today she's a target.
He never met a target he couldn't take. Until today.

That's the one with Mickey Rourke, Thomas Jane, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Isn't it?

Been wanting to see that one. I'll have to give that one a look. Thanks Gman.
I finally got around to watching 'The Reader' last night.

It's quite a depressing movie, but interesting as it makes you look at things from different perspectives. I have to admit, it made me cry :(
i cried too eva ,at the acting ,did kate winslet win an oscar for that could'nt have been for her acting must've been for the other thing lol
I have Killshot, just haven't had a chance to rip it yet. I had d/l it a while ago, but haven't had a chance to watch it.

The Reader was a good movie, but I didn't get the ending. That was one part that confused me.
I haven't seen The Reader yet. I'm acquiring Killshot soon. ;)

Last night i watched Moulin Rouge with the wife who hadn't seen it before. She enjoyed it to an extent, then made fun of me for liking it. lol
I haven't seen The Reader yet. I'm acquiring Killshot soon. ;)

Last night i watched Moulin Rouge with the wife who hadn't seen it before. She enjoyed it to an extent, then made fun of me for liking it. lol

Dude!! Are you serious?? That movie has been out for ages (2001). ;) It was a good movie and who knew that Ewan McGregor could sing??