Timeshift queries



Does timeshift automatically delete itself?

I am wanting to turn autorecord on but just wondering if it deletes itself and what size is recommended for this
No, it doesn't. It'll save everything you watch to your hard drive.

You can set it so you can save the show you've been watching and also record the rest of it in the settings though.
If you turn on autorecord it will save everything you have watched. If you just want timeshift to delete it's self when you change channel, have Enable autorecord set to no and have timeshift enabled after x seconds - this is how soon timeshift will start when you change channels. You can set timeshift last events limit [number of events] to 1 and this will always only have one set timeshift files at a time.

Make sure Timeshift-save action on zap is set to Don't save or ask user (don't save just exists timeshift).

This is my second screen for timeshift settings


Set for up to 3 hours rewind, only one set of timeshift files and checks for older files every 15 minutes in case anything has been left behind when you changed channel.