If you are having problems trying to set up a VPN and your internet service is VM this could be the problem why your vpn is not working, The super hub 3 and 6 can not use a VPN set up by yourself, You will need to phone VM and ask them to set it up for you ( Making sure you change the name of your box to anything but the real box name before calling them) If you are lucky and still have the old hub 2 use this insted of the hub 3 or 6 all your service will run the same it's just VM being the cun@s that they are, They give out the hub 3 and 6 to stop user's from adding a vpn,
If you do have a hub 2 here is how to get it to work with your VPN, And if anyone else knows how to set up a VPN with a hub 3 or 6 without phoning VM please let us all know,
If you do have a hub 2 here is how to get it to work with your VPN, And if anyone else knows how to set up a VPN with a hub 3 or 6 without phoning VM please let us all know,