
  1. J

    Dreambox replacement 2021??

    I had a dreambox for many years and was running all sky channels through it but has since ceased. Is there any boxes that I can get all sky channels including sports through satellite as my Internet if far too slow to run IPTV. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. stonopoly

    HRTunerProxy - Zgemma running Latest Wooshbuild

    HRTunerProxy - Zgemma H2.S running Latest Wooshbuild Anyone know if this plugin still works? I am unable to find it in the list of downloadable plugins. I have tried to install it manually through FTP, but i am not 100% sure how to do this? Obviously if the plugin no longer works this would...
  3. G

    Best Settings

    Hi there ive just got my new ZGEMMA H9S but i have a few questions question 1 - should i just install atv then slap a sky skin over it or install wooshbuild question 2 - im going to try IPTV And CCcam wich is better am i able to use both CCcam for sat channels andf IPTV For the rest. Ive had...
  4. I


    Hi there I've just got A ZGEMMA H9S But I've got a question. When I play channels through my sky box they seem smoother , STV On the Sky box is smooth But STV On the H9S Is 25FPS. Why is a sat channel locked to 25FPS ?
  5. J

    BOX BOOT ISSUE / Flash Memory 256MB Issue

    Hi There anyone help me out ? > - do anyone have a command to wipe flash memory on a zgemma box - thank you or if you know the problem can you help me out i get wooshbuild up and running just fine then i install XTREAM EDITOR Or any Other plugin And Restart Box And It Gets Stuck On The boot...
  6. J

    What is the best dont want another zgemma

    Well after a whole load of emailing from me to the zgemma team we were unable to resolve my issue , not saying its there fault but ended up returning my box today ZGEMMA H9S Box What is the best box to get other than a ZGEMMA Box ?
  7. J

    What channels are avaliable through sat line .

    It is probably on the thread somewhere but I cannot find witch channels are still available through a sat line from a provider any help would be appreciated Thank you .
  8. J


    Hey, guys just wondering what the best player for satellite and IPTV Are iv heard ext3player or something like that but not tried it, mainly my feed is fine but on my ZGEMMA H9S The stream is a little choppy thank you.
  9. S

    What line to go for?

    Hello guys First up can I just say you all do a sterling job. Have got so much useful information from here for a complete newbie like me so thanks so much for that. :thumbsup: Just wanted to ask a question regarding lines. I can see the request thread and what people are asking for and it's...
  10. grog68

    Grogbuild FreeRange 2019-03-19

    Update 19/03/19 : Updated this post with the most up to date installation instructions. This is my latest version of Grogbuild which should work on any enigma2 box. If you have any issues please post a comment in the support thread at...
  11. H

    Help choosing correct box

    Hello guys i currently have a miraclebox micro prem running openvix but im going to transfer that to the bedroom. i want to buy a premium box with better spec and good firmware updates thats reliable that has 2 virmin tuners so i can record and watch at the same time i was looking at this box...
  12. G

    Home Network Setup

    Hi, Not sure where to really post this, but kinda is featuring TV so here goes....... I'm looking at 'future proofing' my house..... and remember a few years back going to a home building show at the NEC and came across a stand called 'Single point networks'. Basically one custom designed...
  13. P

    Setting up / Pointing Satellite & Openbox

    Hi Team, I need some guidance on the menu and usage of openbox with a satellite i did not set up. Currently i have a large dish (1m+?) that came with the house we just moved into. All wired up but stationary so manual movement. A quick random scan has brought hundreds of Chinese channels...