all VM channels gone off?

Not all using local use cashe, No need unless its overloaded

Cache isn’t a different type of setup/server that’s standalone from using a local card.

Let’s say oscam is used to read a card.
When a user queries a card it replies with an ECM for that channel containing the correct CW which is what puts a picture on the screen.
As it’s valid for a few seconds, oscam will cache that CW (hence the name) so that if somebody else wants the same channel at the same time it can send out the saved reply instead of loading up the card even more.
N3 cards like VM cannot handle many concurrent connections at all which is where cache sharing comes in.

Server A has one local card
Server B has one local card
They link there cache together.

Someone in server A requests a channel. Server A checks it’s own cache to see if the CW is there. If not it will check server B’s cache.
The answer is there in server B’s cache because someone requested the same channel. That answer is then given to the end user.
So in the end the correct reply has come in time and from a local card, but from a copy already saved hence lightening the load massively on cards.
Without sharing cache at all, servers would need dozens and dozens of cards to satisfy ever user. So cache comes in very handy.

This also links on to recent problems. If several servers are linked together and just one hasn’t updated any part of there configs, ECM’s that are now correct will be discarded as wrong.
That is why some channels are fine and some still freezing. Will take a while to filter the correct/incorrect answers.
Cache isn’t a different type of setup/server that’s standalone from using a local card.

Let’s say oscam is used to read a card.
When a user queries a card it replies with an ECM for that channel containing the correct CW which is what puts a picture on the screen.
As it’s valid for a few seconds, oscam will cache that CW (hence the name) so that if somebody else wants the same channel at the same time it can send out the saved reply instead of loading up the card even more.
N3 cards like VM cannot handle many concurrent connections at all which is where cache sharing comes in.

Server A has one local card
Server B has one local card
They link there cache together.

Someone in server A requests a channel. Server A checks it’s own cache to see if the CW is there. If not it will check server B’s cache.
The answer is there in server B’s cache because someone requested the same channel. That answer is then given to the end user.
So in the end the correct reply has come in time and from a local card, but from a copy already saved hence lightening the load massively on cards.
Without sharing cache at all, servers would need dozens and dozens of cards to satisfy ever user. So cache comes in very handy.

This also links on to recent problems. If several servers are linked together and just one hasn’t updated any part of there configs, ECM’s that are now correct will be discarded as wrong.
That is why some channels are fine and some still freezing. Will take a while to filter the correct/incorrect answers.
I know how it works but something i never get into on an open forum is card sharing talk and i would suggest you do the same (y)
Cache isn’t a different type of setup/server that’s standalone from using a local card.

Let’s say oscam is used to read a card.
When a user queries a card it replies with an ECM for that channel containing the correct CW which is what puts a picture on the screen.
As it’s valid for a few seconds, oscam will cache that CW (hence the name) so that if somebody else wants the same channel at the same time it can send out the saved reply instead of loading up the card even more.
N3 cards like VM cannot handle many concurrent connections at all which is where cache sharing comes in.
Server A has one local card
Server B has one local card
They link there cache together.

Someone in server A requests a channel. Server A checks it’s own cache to see if the CW is there. If not it will check server B’s cache.
The answer is there in server B’s cache because someone requested the same channel. That answer is then given to the end user.
So in the end the correct reply has come in time and from a local card, but from a copy already saved hence lightening the load massively on cards.
Without sharing cache at all, servers would need dozens and dozens of cards to satisfy ever user. So cache comes in very handy.

This also links on to recent problems. If several servers are linked together and just one hasn’t updated any part of there configs, ECM’s that are now correct will be discarded as wrong.
That is why some channels are fine and some still freezing. Will take a while to filter the correct/incorrect answers.
A cache server provider does not have their own local cards - a local card server has a number of cards and a small cache for its own use or to share with others, but not all local card servers share their cache. Basically there are three provider types:

1. Cache server - which relies on other providers for everything
2. local card server that shares cache - has two many users for the number of cards they have so have to share caches with other like minded servers.
3. local card server. - keeps control of number of users so its own local cards are not overloaded and therefor does not need to share cache with any other server.

1 & 2 rely on all sharers to fix their server and until they all have service will be hit and miss. #3 does not rely on anyone else, once they have fixed their server they're ready to go.
i had web interface before when was trying to use oscam and now when ever i go to openwebif the web interface is not there anymore restarted box a few times any ideas how to get web interface showing again
i had web interface before when was trying to use oscam and now when ever i go to openwebif the web interface is not there anymore restarted box a few times any ideas how to get web interface showing again
if you want to get to oscam panel put in your device network IP and add :83 to the end
Why is everyone panicing and looking for MGCamd? OSCam works just as well as MGCamd.

It's a really stupid question as I posted that information just Yesterday !

I had been watching these thread for days but did not see it, I found your post. Thank you.