Coronavirus Tracker

Funny how he was defending himself when asked about pay cut. Guess millions he has is more important.

These ministers mostly are multi millionaires but when it comes to pay cuts they will never do it. Money is what they love not helping NHS or anything else.

He like many like him is a slimy weasel.

Good on Piers hope people see how these so called people who govern us really behave.
I like Piers on the Good Morning show thou. Always calls people out and he's for the people wanting answers.

I'm not usually his biggest fan but have to say he's the only person in media who is consistently asking the questions that need to be asked and it's compelling viewing watching those Tories squirm. I've been really disappointed with the Labour Party and how they've allowed the press to build this "we're all pulling together" mentality when we're doing every bit as badly as Italy and they were painted as a broken country.
Labour are flops themselves and wont really do much under this new leader. Who is another rich snob stooge.

How hancock thinks what they have done is a success is beyond me. He needs a slap more than anything with how they fekked NHS over with PPE. But we will have to hear excuses as to why there isnt enough PPE, taking times to source, supply etc. Same all crap.

UK's death toll is right up there especially with deaths that have happened outside hospitals. Stupid, ignorant and deluded these people in power and ones who are supposed to be governing us. Ye right damn clowns.
I seriously doubt there will be 18.25 million deaths. Think that is way off imo.

Infection rate is slowing in Spain and Italy and will be same in UK in the next few weeks.

The figure brandished a few months ago millions will be dead is still way off as of today. Even US saying death toll will be over million, then 250,000 now are saying will be likely under 100,000

It's all guess work atm there is no concrete data and figures to suggest millions will die.

But worrying thing is if lockdown restrictions are relaxed then could there be another peak. If so how bad could it be.
I merely quoted the figures from 60 days ago and they have multiplied 135 times over in those two months.
I know Europe is slowing down, but now they are lifting restrictions. Also Africa and South America and hundreds of other countries are just getting started. America is trying to lift lockdown measures and they have doubled deaths in a week and this is with lockdown in place, there's thousands every day dying there now, this will go berserk in the coming weeks and months. China tried lifting restrictions and it's making a comeback there too.
Yes some of its true but such figures quoted I cant see being the final outcome.

Yes it could spiral out of control over the next few months but it can also slow down.

No one truly knows for sure.

Just ifs and buts with figures at the moment. Changes on a day to day basis.
Whilst break, UK Lockdown is a complete farce,
Son has been delivering prescriptions.. yet once dropped items off, people still invite Luke in to their homes, for a cuppa...
God help us if it's a 21 year old blonde ( joking)
Hope it slows down soon, but I really cant see it, we had our worst one last night over here 18 in one night, from last weekend we have been pretty steady, staying at 5 or 6 per night until last nights 18, the mrs got a call to attend in our old street on Easter Monday evening, possible covid 19, turned out it was our old neighbour 2 doors away from our old house, he is in his early eighties now, said it was so hard seeing him and having to tell his 2 daughters and son and their families that they couldnt follow them to the hospital as they wouldnt get in, she said he was really bad , struggling to breathe, he was a heavy smoker back in the day, but gave up 15 years ago, unfortunately found out this afternoon that he didnt make it, real shame, my mrs said that his daughter told her he was out tidying his front garden and painting his front gate last week.
Scary to think one minute everything is fine and just like that this virus could take someone away from their loved ones.

Feel for his family just like all those who have lost their loved ones.
They been saying on the news high proportion of the deaths are of ethnic minorities.

That is a worrying statistic but I do wonder why though. Why are those of ethnic minorities more likely to die from the virus? I can only assume its because of their immune system maybe much weaker due to health issues they already suffer from.
Why has it taken so long to get PPE for the NHS?
How come we as a nation can't make it oursleves, surely we have the companies with capabilities to do so?
They don't want us to use face masks because it will add further to the terrible shortage of them.
One country so unprepared for this pandemic and we live in it!
Why has it taken so long to get PPE for the NHS?
How come we as a nation can't make it oursleves, surely we have the companies with capabilities to do so?
They don't want us to use face masks because it will add further to the terrible shortage of them.
One country so unprepared for this pandemic and we live in it!
There has been UK companies that have offered to make PPE equipment, but it seems the government has not taken up the offers, dont know why when they are crying out for it, could be they dont agree with the prices being quoted or there may be other reasons, I would be interested in all the ins and outs of it all myself, over here in N-Ireland, our biggest sportswear manufacturer closed with the restrictions being imposed, then they came up with the idea to start making PPE equipment, mainly hospital gowns and scrubs, etc, this kept their factory employees in their jobs, while helping to contribute to the shortage of equipment, so why is it not being repeated throughout the UK.
Yes I think maybe the guys making these ppe pieces masks, shields, scrubs etc could be asking too much money and be trying to make a killing on the back of a pandemic, who is to say they are not?
Whats this about bloob hameaglobin from those who have built up a resistance to the virus being used ti help others who have it now, seems a good idea?

Yes I think maybe the guys making these ppe pieces masks, shields, scrubs etc could be asking too much money and be trying to make a killing on the back of a pandemic, who is to say they are not?
Whats this about blood particles from those who have built up a resistance to the virus being used to help others who have it now, seems a good idea?
Piers Morgan trying to be cool on tv never letting the hancock dude get a word in, thus stopping the public getting an answer, what a jerk.
Piers Morgan trying to be cool on tv never letting the hancock dude get a word in, thus stopping the public getting an answer, what a jerk.
I can't watch this idiot, he thinks 'the people' are with him and agree with his revoltingly fake 'concern', when it's plainly obvious he has no idea how normal people live and think. He talks to MP's and other officials like he's scoring points for the working man when it's plainly obvious he's never done a days work in his life. He thinks hardship is having to lay off a few chauffeurs and mothball the Bentley for a while
Whilst making breakfast this morning breakfast tv was on Morgan was moaning on about his Aston Martin, having bird poop on, and unable to wash it ?
Does life get anymore serious..:unsure: