Gas & Electric Hacks

No, I think they have a SIM card in them, it knows when the pressure inside has changed.
It's how they read every metter in a street just by driving past, like water meters.
They don't even have to drive past your house, the meters all "talk" to each other, that's why they wanted every house to have one, they could sit outside one house and get info for the entire estate
Regarding smart meters ,
We were given a choice off EDF. Have a smart meter installed or EDF cancel direct debit..
Like this? What's the tap thing in the middle? I thought the pressure had to be regulated in some way?
I used to fiddle my electric one month in 3 when I had an economy 7 meter know someone who said you could fiddle the economy 7 meters. You could loop out the economy 7 switch so it was on permanently.

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Tap in the middle is where you would attach a manometer to check that there no leaks in the pipework inside the property. it's obsolete in this example because anybody stupid enough to bypass the meter and apply unregulated pressure to the household appliances , clearly wouldn't be doing "soundness" tests on their dangerous connections .
If it works mate then great...I was offered an electric hack by someone and seriously thinking abt it....he has been using if for couple of years.
Not mine but often wonder what the chances of getting caught are?
The gas meter reduces the incoming pressure before it is distributed to your appliances. Anybody fitting that in place of their gas meter is either a complete zonk head or they don't give a shit about their family.
Brother in law is a gas engineer and he did my gas meter for me. Free central heating woo. He got his garage hooked up to the electricity mains by an electrician and keeps his heavy usage items in there.