
When you're lying in a hospital bed, you've got time yes, it doesn't affect the arms very much although I'm not a doctor, also It could have been taken by her husband or someone else
No visitors allowed.
If she would have had 3 jabs she would still be in same boat.
They don't work either the amount of treble jabbed off work is immense.
No visitors allowed.
If she would have had 3 jabs she would still be in same boat.
They don't work either the amount of treble jabbed off work is immense.
I’m triple jabbed had covid and recovered no icu so not everyone would be in the same boat as her.
People are off work to isolate to try stopping the spread of covid
Ah yeah coz the aim of the vaccines wasn't to reduce death and serious illness, it was to stop sickies from work.
Lmfao I may try that next week see how I get on lol
And she's got the time to get her phone out and have a selfie.
Modern society put social media before everything, you see car crashes/major accidents on the news, there’s about 3 people helping and the rest whether it’s 5 people or 50 people stood there filming in their phones.

An example would be the Costa Concordia, (was on TV last night), the ship was sinking, tilting to the point it was ripping over and people were in the dining area stood about filming the evacuations on their phone, minutes from death….so the Costa Concordia incident must have been fake aswell
Explain how treble jabbed people are dying it's either covid or something else.

Because the vaccine is not, and nobody has ever claimed it is, 100% effective against DEATH. Regular studies are done into the efficacy of the vaccines and boosters to ensure the efficacy figures are accurate and up to date. HTH.
I'm sure this idiotic woman isn't faking it.
She's either pro or anti Vax.
If she's anti, which she professed to be last year, by posting the hospital pic she stands to be called a liar by the anti brigade and a prick by the pro brigade.

If it was fake the same outcomes apply, so what would be the point in making it up? She gains nothing either way
I have several posts where people have taken the piss out of people not wanting the vaccine, calling them anti vaxxers then shortly after having the vaccine themselves, have suddenly died.
I have a young healthy women, wife/mother of two children who felt pressured into having the vaccine, openly stated she didn't want it but felt she had no choice. Again shes now dead at 38 after having adverse reactions to the vaccine.

I won't post these stories to gain "I told you so" points and mock these people like some so. Nor do I find it funny 🤷.
Anyone laughing at someone on their deathbed has serious issues.

It's hard not to point and laugh.

It wasn't a story of three parts. She didn't have natural immunity, she caught Covid and it's got the better of her. That's it.
Although she's a little better today which is good news.

Again it's your own business whether you take the vaccine, no one else's.
I have several posts where people have taken the piss out of people not wanting the vaccine, calling them anti vaxxers then shortly after having the vaccine themselves, have suddenly died.
I have a young healthy women, wife/mother of two children who felt pressured into having the vaccine, openly stated she didn't want it but felt she had no choice. Again shes now dead at 38 after having adverse reactions to the vaccine.

I won't post these stories to gain "I told you so" points and mock these people like some so. Nor do I find it funny 🤷.
Anyone laughing at someone on their deathbed has serious issues.

It wasn't a story of three parts. She didn't have natural immunity, she caught Covid and it's got the better of her. That's it.
Although she's a little better today which is good news.

Again it's your own business whether you take the vaccine, no one else's.
People who vaccinate presumably take the virus somewhat seriously.

There's many more unvaccinated people getting tubes shoved down their throats than vaxxed.

She actively spread anti scientific nonsense and amplified anti Vax / it's just a cold sentiments. Her situation is common amid anti Vax circles. Another dumb person winning stupid prizes.

Now she is praying and seeing not being intubated as a win.

Fwiw that last post of hers might just mean she is refusing to get intubated, she is that stupid.

Her followers might also turn on her if they feel she is lying about being ill or catching covid.
People die every year from taking paracetamol, hot lemon and other over the counter medications.
Everything we do carries a risk but we don't stand outside Boots with placards