Skin - record red button problem



Ruining wooshbuild v6 on h2s.

The way I use series link is by pressing the red button and setting a record option manually which searches for programmes in time ranGes, instead of pressing the record button and selecting series link.

This works fine on chabbs skyq skin, but the red button doesn't work at all on the EpG on any other skin I try, it just doesn't load. The record button does work for one off shows, but the series link is not very good, as it doesn't search for the programme, just a set time regardless.

Is this a common problem on other skins or am I missing something?

It'll be nothing to do with the skin if the recordings is the problem, I wouldn't have thought.

I use slyk skin and the record graphic doesn't always show on my EPG but it makes no difference to the recording.