What would cause this issue ???

ssend that file to your provider and see what they say.

have you checked the virgin status page to see if there is a local issue?

Is AutobouquetsMaker provider files up to date?
no local issues on VM status
no update available for provider files
log sent to provider but no response
happened when it tried to connect to this E047EE0F44814A2A18B23BF52F8B1A62
thanks for the quick reply guys
just read through that thread thanks
why would my issue happen after 5hrs of flawless connection???
and now unwatchable
all other channels working?

If while on itv hd you press the down arrow followed by the red button you should see other ITV HD channels, do any of them work?
all other channels work great only ITVHD n 4HD since lunchtime today
I have the option of 11 ITVHD channels n only 1 connects but it's unwatchable
I get 400/500ms on every channel except the above two
Works fine for me but others on same server cannot get it.
It depends on location.
This is something to do with vm and/or encryption and not the lines/servers otherwise everyon on.the same server would either all get it or none would get it