Anyone yet indirectly affected by the Corona outbreak?

Our daughter who leaves this year wont be doing exams now, They are getting predicted grades and if there not happy with them they can resit them next year.Thats what the school has said to the other half.

They sent a letter out too. They're hoping to get the results out earlier than they would normally have got them.
It looks like the exam grades will be marked on their course work put in over the year so far, which will suit the ones that put the work in during their time in the classes, but maybe freeze a bit when it comes to the exam time, then theres the opposite effect, some kids dont put the work in during lessons, but they thrive when the exams come around, could it be possible for any of them that are not happy with their grades given, could then sit the actual exam later if restrictions are eased, I know there would not be much of a time frame, 3 to 6 weeks maybe, but it might help some.

It's on coursework and the teachers are going to put each class in order of what they expected them to achieve and it'll be worked out from that. Then resits in Autumn for those not happy with the grade, and if they don't achieve higher in the resit than the grade that they were awarded, they don't have to take the lower grade iyswim. Seems very fair to me.
It's on coursework and the teachers are going to put each class in order of what they expected them to achieve and it'll be worked out from that. Then resits in Autumn for those not happy with the grade, and if they don't achieve higher in the resit than the grade that they were awarded, they don't have to take the lower grade iyswim. Seems very fair to me.
Seems a good way to do it, if it is possible, hopefully it is in the end.
What I'm saying is that it cannot continue in its present form for much longer.
Mum AND dad don't have to return to work but one of them could, that's half the workforce back.
Supermarket workers don't do any social distancing from each other, I've not seen any of them wearing masks and of all the ones I know personally, who work at Aldi and Morrisons, none of them have had it and none of their workmates have had time off with it
Supermarket workers don't do any social distancing from each other, I've not seen any of them wearing masks and of all the ones I know personally, who work at Aldi and Morrisons, none of them have had it and none of their workmates have had time off with it

It'll be interesting when they start bringing statistics together to see how/where it spread. And it apparently effects more men than women so maybe more male orientated industries (London bus drivers springs to mind) will be harder hit than those employing more women.
Problem is no one knows who has the virus. Anyone could thats the thing.

So even relaxing on restrictions and allowing certain industries to start back up and workers to go back is a big risk.

As if anyone then gets it, it could spread big time.

There are pros and cons to both arguments in relation to the lockdown.
We have to get from situation A to situation B somehow.
We have to return to school and work and cannot wait 18 months to do it, there has to be ways and means of doing it safely, vulnerable people will have to stay in lockdown until a vaccine arrives.
Care homes will have to be transformed into bio-fortresses, no one goes in or out without being tested and wearing full hazard gear.
Anyone with underlying medical conditions will also have to be in strict quarantine until vaccination
Again, anyone else who has temperature or other symptoms should self isolate and social distancing and masks etc should allow the majority to go back to work.
We cannot survive 18 months of this, it's not possible and the govt are more or less saying only when a vaccine is rolled out will restrictions be lifted, that cannot an aside, a poll carried out by one of the news channels found that 20% of people would refuse a vaccine if it was offered so where does that leave us?
With how many conspiracy theories are out there saying Gates is the one behind all this virus and the one who wants to control people by inserting chips in vaccines people will go completely paranoid lol.
We have to get from situation A to situation B somehow.
We have to return to school and work and cannot wait 18 months to do it, there has to be ways and means of doing it safely, vulnerable people will have to stay in lockdown until a vaccine arrives.
Care homes will have to be transformed into bio-fortresses, no one goes in or out without being tested and wearing full hazard gear.
Anyone with underlying medical conditions will also have to be in strict quarantine until vaccination
Again, anyone else who has temperature or other symptoms should self isolate and social distancing and masks etc should allow the majority to go back to work.
We cannot survive 18 months of this, it's not possible and the govt are more or less saying only when a vaccine is rolled out will restrictions be lifted, that cannot an aside, a poll carried out by one of the news channels found that 20% of people would refuse a vaccine if it was offered so where does that leave us?

I don't think anybody expects the lockdown to last 18 months but to start demanding change after 4 weeks is pathetic and particularly British - we have a spiteful, selfish element to our population.

As for the 20% who'd refuse vaccination, I'd say that's great, moves me and my family closer to the front of the queue.
Yes but there's always been crackpots, because Bill Gates foundation put a sh!tload of money into research about vaccines, the knuckledraggers think he caused it in order to make money from a vaccine.
When you explain to them that no one gets paid for these vaccines and they are supplied at cost, about a dollar each and he won't get a cent of that dollar, they don't believe you
I don't think anybody expects the lockdown to last 18 months but to start demanding change after 4 weeks is pathetic and particularly British - we have a spiteful, selfish element to our population.
We surely do, 2,700 cancer patients are being missed each week because of the lockdown.
This is on top of the countless other thousands of diabetes and heart disease and christ only knows what else horrible diseases being not diagnosed or treated because of C19.
When we get to the end of this we'll have 40k dead from covid and about 140k dead from other things but at least the economy will be destroyed and we can live in depression for the next forty years so it's not all bad
Very optimistic about how the future is going unfold (y)

No one knows whats going to happen in 6,12, 18 months time.

Everyone is coming to their own conclusion.
Very optimistic about how the future is going unfold (y)

No one knows whats going to happen in 6,12, 18 months time.

Everyone is coming to their own conclusion.
Unless someone has cured cancer and not told anyone, there's nearly 3,000 people every week sitting at home with undiagnosed cancer.
All the cancer charities have been talking about it for weeks.
Not just cancer, all the major diseases are 70% down because of the lockdown
Thats understandable but that statistic doesnt necessarily means 100s of thousands are gona die suffering from other diseases.

CV19 yes is the paramount concern and rightfully so its a global pandemic. But other diseases are still be treated and looked at even though not on the scale before this crisis began.
You aren't understanding.
No one is saying other diseases aren't being treated.
People with other diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease aren't going for tests like they normally would.
Which means they aren't even in the system like they would normally be.
These are only a fraction of the estimated 100k+ who will die because of the lockdown.
The majority of the others will die through a multitude of other causes but all related to being in lockdown.
That's why I said earlier, we cannot keep this up to save coronavirus victims at ANY cost because that cost will be far higher both in terms of lives lost right now and also economically and will continue to claim hundreds of thousands of people a year for decades to come due to poverty, poor living conditions and a decimated NHS.
It needs to be addressed immediately.
If no one's working the country will be bankrupt and the NHS will collapse without funding.
Income tax will have to be vastly increased due to millions claiming uneployment benefits which means food and everything else will treble in price making things even worse for everyone.
We surely do, 2,700 cancer patients are being missed each week because of the lockdown.
This is on top of the countless other thousands of diabetes and heart disease and christ only knows what else horrible diseases being not diagnosed or treated because of C19.
When we get to the end of this we'll have 40k dead from covid and about 140k dead from other things but at least the economy will be destroyed and we can live in depression for the next forty years so it's not all bad

But you're failing to acknowledge how many people would have died from the highly infectious virus if lockdown hadn't been introduced - probably far, far more than the figures you're quoting for "other things."
You aren't understanding.
No one is saying other diseases aren't being treated.
People with other diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease aren't going for tests like they normally would.
Which means they aren't even in the system like they would normally be.
These are only a fraction of the estimated 100k+ who will die because of the lockdown.
The majority of the others will die through a multitude of other causes but all related to being in lockdown.
That's why I said earlier, we cannot keep this up to save coronavirus victims at ANY cost because that cost will be far higher both in terms of lives lost right now and also economically and will continue to claim hundreds of thousands of people a year for decades to come due to poverty, poor living conditions and a decimated NHS.
It needs to be addressed immediately.
If no one's working the country will be bankrupt and the NHS will collapse without funding.
Income tax will have to be vastly increased due to millions claiming uneployment benefits which means food and everything else will treble in price making things even worse for everyone.
I can't go for regular blood tests to see how my sugar levels are with me been diabetic high blood pressure ect I agree with what your saying people should be having kemo ect but can't so Alot of people with health conditions could be the worst outcome my lad is severe asthma and he's supposed to be back for a review tomorrow to see if inhalors needs upping ect
My mum starts her treatment at Christie's next week,cancer patients are still getting what they need expect for operations because it's too high risk,they said to my mum they would of operated but they lost a few patients because of the virus.
My mum starts her treatment at Christie's next week,cancer patients are still getting what they need expect for operations because it's too high risk,they said to my mum they would of operated but they lost a few patients because of the virus.
Sorry to hear that mate hope all goes OK for her and your family mate emoji_clapemoji_clap