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My advice is always go for a android box with iptv. I would advise always go for a mid range well proven box. If you cannot afford that go for a firestick. reviews can be found here: Android Based Devices ReviewsSuppliers
This is the most difficult area basically you are advised to take a test from a few suppliers or a recommendation. you can request a test from suppliers HERE listed at the top of the thread.Apps
Suppliers are moving to their own apps now and don't want to give out a url for security reasons. I would ask your supplier if they support the X3M app you simply give your supplier a code once it is downloaded and they will activate it. The X3M app has been around for along time and is simple to use. your app is not always determined by provider. However, they must support the app you choose. The good providers will normally ask which app you are using and advise accordinglyMag type boxes and APPS
Mag boxes have been around for along time however, are decreasing in popularity due to codec issues with VOD and the need for the supplier to give out there url. If you cannot find a supplier who supports this type of box they are basically doorsteps. . However, there are boxes who use mag type apps like the formuler box the the app is called "mytvonline" Again some suppliers may be reluctant to use this app as they have to give out there url. However, there is no need to worry if you have bought a formuler box as it is android and you can pretty much install any app you wish.
people often ask who is the best ISP for IPTV i would say they are all pretty much the same although i would advise to stay away from Vodafone.What is sideloading
Sideloading is where you install a android app on a android box that is not supported by the maker of the box. this is used the most on firesticks to install IPTV. Your supplier will send you instructions in most cases you will either use a app called Downloader or Filelinked.Network setup your end
It is always better to have a wired connection when using IPTV. If you want to use wireless this may be fine if you have constant download speeds of around 18 meg and low ping rates. Another thing you must consider is family safe settings these are called different names by your internet provider. They must be turned off.I am getting blocked when football is on.
If the above is happening you need to use a VPN please be aware this may slow your download speed by as much as 50% and increase your ping rate. So that IPTV is unwatchable especially if you have slow speeds to begin with. A ISP does not know you are watching IPTV if you are using a VPN. If you are still getting blocked contact your supplier. There could be some other reason.How to sideload apps
The main way to sideload apps is to use another app called downloader this will normally be in your apps section or you may have to use a browser on your box to download it. Or try Google play.1. Allow apps from unknown sources. This will be in the settings section of your android box.
2 Download and install the downloader app
3 Your supplier will will normally give you a URL to download their app.
4 Open up downloader and simply type in the url and hit go. Then just follow the on screen prompts
5. Job done new app installed.
you can also sideload movie apps like cyberflix,tea tv and others using the above method.
Adding a VPN
Most android boxes will allow you to download a VPN from google play.1. Simply download the app of your choice and install it.
2. Enter your username and password
3 Select a country
4 Wait for it to connect
5. Job done
Adding a VPN will deal with ISP blocks you can go to settings in your app and tell the VPN to start on start up. Just in case you forget. IF your IPTV does not connect try another country if problems still occur follow the guidance below.
When should i contact my supplier with a problem.
A good provider will tell you if they have some planned maintenance if it is only going to take 10 minutes they may not bother. Then follow these steps.
1. Do A speed test check download speed and ping rate at the box.
2. Clear cache
3. power off your box and unplug for 10 minutes
4. do another speed test
5 update playlist and epg if required. Don't forget to switch on VPN first if you are using one.
6. check your channels. if you are still having problems it is now time to contact your supplier.
7. You should clear cache and restart your router at least once a week this will avoid most of the above problems.
Once set up and you have a decent supplier and a reasonable box you should have very few problems with IPTV. I have not included Enigma boxes in this guide as my opinion is that they were never built for IPTV and even a firestick overall is much better than zgemma box. of course other people will disagree with my opinion.
@moshibeth guide to apps
You have a wide selection to be honest and smart IPTV would be my last option, only for smart TVs.
Stb pro - nice looking easy to use, latest version has built in VLC player, popular app.
Smarters pro - nice looking app, good support behind the app, option for multi screen and change player.
XCIPTV - well organised for each section, live VOD catch up etc... multi screen option and has built in VLC player.
Perfect player - still going strong one of the best, simple layout supports alot of formats and has good epg layout.
Smart IPTV - not a fan to be honest very basic last resort normally for smart tv with no other devices.
X3M player - xtream editor android app, loads same layout as E2 box based on provider layout, options to change and edit your layout, remove bouquets you dont use/want, nice looking seems to be ok with built in player.
Tivimate - great looking app one of my favourites, not so good for loading VOD content tho, with premium you can edit bouquets and order of channels etc..
ImPlayer TV - fairly new app, haven't tested it as much, looks promising and has same layout as mytvonline app on formular boxes.
Ltq App this app will give you the sly look if you like that sort of thing it also has in some circumstances other useful built in apps and a VPN. However, It can be a bit buggy and is supplier dependent.
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