Right, so I have downloaded the extension for Dream Explorer. Followed the pathway you said and nothing there about any E2i plugins. IPTVPlayer is there though?
Thought you would have filezilla on your computer. but follow grays advice above and that will get the old version off, then install e2i player from plug ins
yes thats what you delete + restart box

Excellent, thanks E2iStream has now gone.

Do I just need to download E2iPlayer as a download plugin extension? Any instructions during the download that I need to change?

Edit: On extensions is shows as 'e2iplayer-deps (1.0-r0)' is this the one?
Right so i downloaded e2iplayer-deps (1.0-r0) after that i restarted my box. Loaded it back up and I cant see it anywhere on my plugins list? I went back on downloable extensions and its not there. It is however there along with e2iplayer when i go to remove a plugin?
have a look in portal on remote

When I press that all it says now is 'Please choose an extension...' and gives me a choice of -

1. Restart Network
2. AutoBouquets Downloader
3. Dream-Explorer
4. Info Panel
5. Software management

It did use to go to E2iPlayer originally then E2iStream when I had that installed.
and have you downloaded e2iplayer or just e2iplayer deps and once downloaded the settings are on page 1 post 10
Excellent it is now on there!. So i have tried to change the settings as per post 10.

The preferred update server options are - Default / Private/ iptvplayer.vline / iptvplayer.gitlab

When I select gitlab, the 'Add update from Gitlab repository' shows with yes/no - nothing about 'maxbambi'?

I tried it with yes and no to update but it failed due to the repository. Also no luck with default.
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