Series link equivalent

there is a series link plugin available but personally I dont like using it as it records everything with that name so includes soap repeats etc which clogs up recording folders etc. Im sure though theres a way around this issue.
After you've set a auto timer just press the timer button they are all in there, once it's recorded the first episode the next one will appear.
I am sure this has been mentioned before, how do you set auto timer with similar program title say "NRL" ignore the game text.
thanks. I am using vix image.
I am sure this has been mentioned before, how do you set auto timer with similar program title say "NRL" ignore the game text.
thanks. I am using vix image.
not sure i understand the question. Do you mean program 1 is called "ABCDEFG game1", but you want it to auto record "ABCDEFG game2", does it not do that now because the title isn't the same.....