latest news just posted 850

hi all

still struggling to get my N:line to connect on my A850, Ive used the server name and even converted to ip without success, I found a n:line tester from the web and it confirms the line is fine I dunno what I'm doing wrong for it not to connect to the server :bang head::bang head:
Its really not hard just input the relevant details with the deskey having no spaces.And the right line.

well since flashing the box with the latest firmware from the download section its seemed to have messed the connection up to the box so yes it was difficult to figure out...:p, I also asked server for newcamd lines as well and with their help still cannot connect
thanks got current line working.. glitches on sd channels but HD appear fine....
Might try a different line..
Youll have to explain mate"messed up the connection to the box"?Dont see anyone else reporting this?
when box is flashed or updated factory reset and start from scratch,when box has scanned in channels add your line details.
Just got mine working make sure you input in IP number format ie 154.678 etc and the desk key has no spaces then make sure you
Turn the active to on then put on one of the sport channels turn the box off then turn your router off ,then put the box back on first then the router leave on the channel and wait mine connected about 2 mins after the router reset
Also worth doing a factory reset and rescan after you upload the file ,I did mine from the download in here (thanks cactikid ) I also reloaded it again this afternoon after seeing lots of posts about having to do it twice

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Deskey was my bag auto correct is a nitemore Sam tumes
Also worth doing a factory reset and rescan after you upload the file ,I did mine from the download in here (thanks cactikid ) I also reloaded it again this afternoon after seeing lots of posts about having to do it twice

---------- Post Merged at 11:42 PM ----------

Deskey was my bag auto correct is a nitemore Sam tumes ��

If you downloaded the firmware from the forum you didn't need to load it twice as it was already the newest version. Those who did an internet update on the box from the old old firmware where it downloaded version 1.00.00 first had to do another internet update to the latest version which is 1.01.00. Just clarifying this in case it confuses people.
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Hi folks- tried the internet update but nothing happens. Any advice to get new firware on- mine is still May 2014.
hi all i have a A580 kryptview.
have been following forums, and am not even going to attempt to update it as a dont know enough to even begin
is there anyone who would be willing to get it up and running, ? please.
Wow,that was quick getting this firmware out into the wilderness,i take my hat off to the programmers/coders!!
So I've tried this out,I am getting connected in connection and its also active,got des key with no spaces,tried with server name and ip address,correct port and user/pass credentials,but still no channels :(
Re-scanned channels,still nowt!!Grrrr!Only have this box on connected at the moment,the other one is parked up at the minute until i get old faithful and trusted working(a850hd), please help,I fear its a pebkac :(

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