
  1. Ferret.

    Plugins Arm Multicammanager by Levi45 For All Images Update 20.11.2024 for archive version='10.1-r33'

    Plugin Arm Multicammanager by Levi45 For All Images
  2. Ferret.

    Plugins levi45-addon-manager_all Update 20.11.2024 version='10.1-r27'

    All credit goes to @mamba65 for very nice look and adding new futures Thankyou levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r17_all Whats New Now you can access plugin via Green button (Plugin Browser) Blue button (Extension Menu) Menu (Main Menu) Change some png's
  3. Ferret.

    Plugins Multi-Stalker Enigma 2 2024-06-08

    Multi-Stalker portal for all devices you can add up to 50 portal and navigate between them easily the config file is located in home /home/stalker.conf open the file and add your portals , from 0 to 49 like below now open Multi-stalker conf and change the service type from 1 to 4097 now...
  4. Ferret.

    Plugins AJPanel Plugin Ppdate v 10.5.1 31.01.2025

    AJPanel Plugin The ability to compress Plugin files BackupSuite Plugin has been tested on the Octagon sf8008 and works on most images v1.1.3 Crash has been fixed in some images such as Black Hole An option has been added to change the version number in the IPK and DEB files
  5. coozer

    OTHER VM files in FTP?

    Hi, im sure ive asked this before somewhere but cant find it... After flashing the latest openvix to my Xtrend ET10000 Virgin is back in the providers section and hogging the ALL list with blanks... Where can i find the VM files in Filezilla? Ive had a look round but cant see them or the sky...
  6. J

    epgimport not showing after i install from plugins

    Just got the Octagon SF8008 box, trying to install epgimport from plugins when i do it doesn thsow on the plugins list even after a restart, tried uninstalling and reinstalling and also reflashed the image to atv 6.4 and still doing the same does anyone have any ideas would appreciate the help...
  7. P

    Best Enigma 2 boxes?

    After trawling the net and uTube, I can't seem to find any "lists" of the most popular/best Engima2 boxes out there at the moment. I'm looking for some recommendations on the best Engima 2 boxes considering price and performance. I currently have a Zgemma H9 Twin. But I've never really looked...
  8. Ferret.

    Outdated mgcamd.1.46_1.0-r3_all.ipk Mips & Arm 2021-03-25 mgcamd.1.46_1.0-r3_all.ipk Mips & Arm 2021-03-25

    This has been updated HERE.
  9. P


    Hi, Looking for some help with flashing my new H9 TWIN. I cannot for the life of me find an OpenATV image that flashes my box correctly. On my old h2h it was a case of downloading from OpenATV nightly. Extract the zip. Copy Zgemma folder to USB. Plug in USB and easy days to flash the box...
  10. T

    Surfshark / VPN Manager set up. (Help please)

    Good morning all. I'm hoping you can help me out with the set up of Surfshark VPN service with VPN Manager. I hate being beaten and I would much rather have discovered what ever it is that is causing my problems (It might be me !!!) but I also know when it is time to seek further help from...
  11. dsayers2014

    Purevpn manager plugin 1.0.1

    Purevpn manager plugin. Here is an interesting purevpn manager plugin I've found With this plugin you have the possibility to use the VPN provider PureVPN on your box, only possible with a subscription of the provider. murxer wrote: Features: Configs are...
  12. dsayers2014

    Jedimakerxtream guide pdf 2020-02-23

    A detailed guide for setting up jedimakerxtream on enigma2 to create iptv bouquets
  13. S

    WooshBuild USB boot / custom build for generic DVBS2 boxes with (low) 32/64MB flash/RAM !

    Hi All, Newbie here ... I was wondering looking at all these great custom builds (Woosh, Grog etc) on top of openATV or openViX: 1. These builds are all 60-100+ MB. 2. Is there a way to use such builds or reduce the size thereof, on low RAM/flash DVB cheap boxes, by configuring a USB stick as...
  14. pieeater2015

    Tools NordVPN Enigma2 OpenVPN Setup Plugin v0.4 V0.4

    VPN plugin for nord working well on old zgemma H1
  15. claktv

    Enigma2 IPTV auto-reconnect

    Hello all, wondering if there’s any solution to this. Using OpenATV, every so often I get kicked from my IPTV server due to an unchangeable setting on my supplier’s XC panel. It usually happens after around 2 hours, giving me a black screen in which I have to channel up/down to reconnect. Using...
  16. zgemmah2s

    E2iStream [new name for E2iPlayer!!?] Download now. Updated regularly by new developer :)

    yes it's called E2iStream. Download the IPK and install it. it installs over the E2iPlayer if you already have it. Same thing just different name.. enjoy. READ THESE NOTES BEFORE YOU GO AHEAD; @BeakyFord The plugin works fine on ATV 6.2 but will NOT work with ATV 6.3 at the moment...
  17. M

    ET 8000 HD Et8000 openatv

    Wanted to get woosh to run on my xtrend that has been running vix. I downloaded openatv 6.2 but it remained stuck on flashing. Strangely there was no 6.1 available for the et8000. I tried 6.0 which has worked and woosh running fine but can’t understand why 6.2 doesn’t work. The et8000 is still...
  18. B

    HD channels showing as n/a

    I have an Enigma H5.2TC box with virgin channels using Ipab build. Some of the channels stopped working so I did a rescan of the channels. The channels are now working but the channel title says <n/a> or DVB Service. I tried to do an auto boutique maker but I get an error. Anyone know how to fix...
  19. E

    DM920 UHD

    Hi, for the experienced ones I have so many questions and you really have to pair with me. I can do all your valuable instructions as you guys will guide me to. First I will add it in points so it would be easy to answer all of them or some of them if you will. I have an Enigma2 Box MD920 UHD...
  20. F

    Software issues Sab unix triple tuner enigma2

    Hi all. I am a newbie so please be gentle with me!so here is my problem... I recently purchased a Sab Unix triple tuner that has enigma2 preloaded.I get a lot of issues using the box primarily `` Your receiver has encountered a software problem and needs to be restarted ...``.I have...