hi woke up today to all channels not clearing except 1-5 . If this happens normally a restart fixes it. Have done that and a router reset and still all black waiting on a reply from my provider. Any ideas what it could be my internet and boxes seem fine as there still running my iptv.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
hi woke up today to all channels not clearing except 1-5 . If this happens normally a restart fixes it. Have done that and a router reset and still all black waiting on a reply from my provider. Any ideas what it could be my internet and boxes seem fine as there still running my iptv.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
you need a test line m8
Cheers, no idea whats up dont want to do a reflash if its not needed

Tried a test still the same any ideas bar a reflash?

Reflashed and still only 1-5 and my provider wont respond to me have tried another line also and not working. At a loss any one got an idea checked the service status with virgin no known issues in area
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if 1-5 sd are fine then it's more than likely your line provider or internet connection, are you able to stream anthing via iptv player plugin, if not then check the internet connection, if you can stream then your provider is more than likely at fault.

You could also try updating abm config files and scanning again.
Same here, all black except the FTA channels 1-5. Also in the liverpool area. Waiting to hear back from provider
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hi guys.

I am also only getting channels 1-5 sd.

I have tried two different test lines and still got the same.

my set up and internet seem fine, I have tried restarting the softcam as well but still no luck.

I'm in the Edinburgh area.

anyone any ideas?

This is also happening to me now. I'm in nottingham.
Channels 1-5 work. The rest are black. Is it to do with VM rolling out the new boxes?