Covid19 Vaccination

If things carry on deteriorating as they are , there will be some level of manipulation , there has to be , NHS are dreading the end of january , they know that the hospital admissions are going to sky rocket because of this 5 day mix , lunacy. We neeed people to be vaccinated and if we cant make the doubters see sense, then we will have to make it harder for those that havent had it.
But they don't even know if the vaccination stops you spreading the virus? There's no way they make this mandatory, its against all human rights, if that's the case and I'm made to take it then what about the people who can't control there calorie intake and drink and smoke? They can continue to do that and still get treated on the NHS?? Again I dont judge people for their life choices, everyone can live their life how ever they like, thats their rights as a human being. I live a clean lifestyle thats my choice as a human being and I dont want my rights violated.
I think I read that the vaccine doesn't actually stop you getting the virus, it stops it from causing severe illness.
It's not even clear yet whether it stops you spreading it, probably not but I can't see either of these scenarios being a major problem if those in the "high risk" group are vaccinated.
If everyone over 50 is vaccinated and the other 45 million people aren't vaccinated, it will still run riot but hospitalisations and deaths won't follow as 99% of people aren't badly affected
I think I read that the vaccine doesn't actually stop you getting the virus, it stops it from causing severe illness.
It's not even clear yet whether it stops you spreading it, probably not but I can't see either of these scenarios being a major problem if those in the "high risk" group are vaccinated.
If everyone over 50 is vaccinated and the other 45 million people aren't vaccinated, it will still run riot but hospitalisations and deaths won't follow as 99% of people aren't badly affected
Yeah I agree pablo, this is never going to go away, its something we will have to live with like the common cold, hopefully it will get easier to live with in time, as for a vaccine, nothing pleases me more that they have got this so quick and its now being rolled out, I just don't like the ones who are having it basically judging others for not having it, its like the vegans of the world, if your a vegan then that's great, its your choice as a human to make that decision to make your life better, but dont judge me for destroying a 10 oz ribeye which I love p**sing of blood all over my plate :ROFLMAO: (not saying your judging, I just meant in general)
Tbh I think this is all hypothetical, nobody knows how many people will really refuse the vaccine till it starts being rolled out on a larger scale. I should imagine at the moment the uptake among those offered it (ie the most vulnerable or people who work with the most vulnerable) is pretty close to 100%. Sometimes an online debate can give a false impression of the overall opinion - I've encountered a few people on the internet who say they wouldn't have the vaccine if offered, but nobody in my professional, social or family circles have expressed that opinion.
I'm not 100% sure how bad it is for younger people.
I know it has affected a small amount of them badly.
It will never be mandatory, no medical procedure is mandatory - they can't pin anyone down and force them to be vaccinated.
If those who normally get the flu jab are vaccinated that will cut down 99% of severe illness and deaths.
If anyone in the lower age brackets want it it should be on a first come first served basis.
There will be enough vaccine for everyone if everyone wants it.
Only those not vaccinated run the risk of hospitalisation and maybe death but that will dry up over the next few years due to Darwin's theories
The average age of people who die due to/with Covid-19 is 80+ so I think this gives people a long way from that age reasonable grounds not to feel the need to be vaccinated.
I know of a few people who have blatantly said they will not get the vaccine and thats fine. Like has been said its the individuals choice whether they want the vaccine or not.

But few people I know are choosing not to get because of theories that have been branded around and thinking the NHS and its doctors have some ulteriror motive. Thats what kinda bothers me.

But hey people will believe what they will.
I think I read that the vaccine doesn't actually stop you getting the virus, it stops it from causing severe illness.
It's not even clear yet whether it stops you spreading it, probably not but I can't see either of these scenarios being a major problem if those in the "high risk" group are vaccinated.
If everyone over 50 is vaccinated and the other 45 million people aren't vaccinated, it will still run riot but hospitalisations and deaths won't follow as 99% of people aren't badly affected

all the vaccines have reported similar results

the Pfizer one is 95% effective in terms of preventing you from catching covid

in the 5% of cases where people did catch the virus, none of the vaccinated cases resulted in death and hospitalisations were greatly reduced compared to the control group which had deaths and much higher hospitalisation

The Oxford vaccine is going to be approved just after Christmas.

It's a very cheap, highly transportable vaccine.

Football stadiums and conference venues will be used to vaccinate by the millions.

India has already produced 50m doses at around $3 a shot.

This is a game changer for the poorer countries of the world.

The begining of the end is around the corner.
The new mutation seen in the south is similar to a mutation seen in other parts of the world, esp South Africa. Both share mutation at a certain part of the spike protien that has been seen many times. In only a few cases have the mutations become prominent.

The south Africa and UK mutations have occurred independently of each other. Similar strains in Scandinavia seem to be a case UK exports thriving post brexit.

Post vaccination, the body recognises many parts of the spike protien so should still be effective. Moderna are currently evaluating this.

The UK is a world leader in our sequencing of strains hence our ability to react to changes quickly.
The new mutation seen in the south is similar to a mutation seen in other parts of the world, esp South Africa. Both share mutation at a certain part of the spike protien that has been seen many times. In only a few cases have the mutations become prominent.

The south Africa and UK mutations have occurred independently of each other. Similar strains in Scandinavia seem to be a case UK exports thriving post brexit.

Post vaccination, the body recognises many parts of the spike protien so should still be effective. Moderna are currently evaluating this.

The UK is a world leader in our sequencing of strains hence our ability to react to changes quickly.
Also I believe the new vaccines can be easily 'tweaked' should the need arise to cope with such eventualities.
And they can be similarly tweaked to cope with new viruses with minimal fuss as the basic vaccine is the same thing
Yah the moderna one was made in two days after covids genome was published.

Genome released on Saturday, vaccine ready on monday

We had a 95% eff vaccine on January 13th.

Cheltenham festival, one of the last major sporting event to have crowds was march 13th, exactly two months after we had a vaccine for covid.
But they don't even know if the vaccination stops you spreading the virus? There's no way they make this mandatory, its against all human rights, if that's the case and I'm made to take it then what about the people who can't control there calorie intake and drink and smoke? They can continue to do that and still get treated on the NHS?? Again I dont judge people for their life choices, everyone can live their life how ever they like, thats their rights as a human being. I live a clean lifestyle thats my choice as a human being and I dont want my rights violated.
i dont think obesity is infectious. right wheres me pork pie?
I'll have it when the time comes. Not for me, I'm very low risk but our parents are all older and one is vulnerable. Not just them, just everyone generally. The more of us have it, the quicker we can crush it. Then the quicker we can all get back to doing the things we all love to do. If you think what this thing has taken from everyone (some much more than others) this is our chance to fight back.
There is one aspect of information that I have a real problem with and it is people down the pub. I don't drink, but I do go to the pub from time to time (pre COVID) and what always seems to strike me are the amount of experts there are in them. I work in mental health and when it is the topic of conversation people have different opinions about it, which is fair enough. However, I have heard someone tell another person not to take the medication they have been prescribed for bipolar disorder even though they have had it prescribed to them. There was a study done on this years ago that shows people are more likely to adhere to advice from strangers than their doctor's. Whenever I hear people providing incorrect advice on COVID it reminds me of that study. I would just like to point out that everyone has the right to have an opinion on particular topics and while the advice has been a catastrophic failure on COVID (no thanks to the government) there are scientists out there who have studied respiratory illnesses as a career and I for one prefer to listen to them.

I am in my early 30's and I am likely to recover from it but there is still the risk of long COVID that doesn't get much of a mention - this can mess you up in a number of ways. I don't want to inadvertently/unknowingly pass it on to someone else who might die from it and I am adhering to the rules. I will get the vaccine because it will offer some protection against it.
If they keep records of such people not taking vaccines I imagine they will enforce some sort of consequences on such individiauls such as banning them for flying abroad etc
If they keep records of such people not taking vaccines I imagine they will enforce some sort of consequences on such individiauls such as banning them for flying abroad etc

The fact they're keeping a register is a threat of such consequences isn't it... no need to mandate it when they can limit the lifestyles of those who refuse it to the point that enough people are manipulated into having it.
Its an individuals right at the end of the day not to take the vaccine if they choose to.

They cant enforce some sort of punishment for such individuals not taking a vaccine. Could see major backlash as well.

Then you have issue of data protection as well here.