Covid19 Vaccination

maybe that’s why nothing is being said about there being little confidence by the manufacturers that it will stop the volunteers (guinea pigs) spreading the virus after injected.

I've read that the manufacturers have very little idea or confidence that those who are vaccinated can't catch or pass on the virus which is a pretty big concern - as I see it, that'll mean there's a whole load of people carrying the virus walking around without a care in the world, whereas those not vaccinated will potentially be at massively increased risk of catching it.
Well said! I won’t be taking the government’s experimental VAX without liability either, a virus type they can’t even reliably test for. I can imagine your feelings if you’re a fit and healthy young person being asked to have a poison injection exposing you to all sorts of health risks when your immune system can easily fight off flu virus. The main stream media have been ordered by the government not to be critical of their experimental vax and maybe that’s why nothing is being said about there being little confidence by the manufacturers that it will stop the volunteers (guinea pigs) spreading the virus after injected.
Good God I just can't find words :sick::sick:
So a potential new strain of covid is on the horizon and about 1000 new cases reported already in south of england.

Really worrying times if this new strain is even more infectious and dangerous.

Wonder how vaccines will react to the new strain.
Seems you are free to agree but go against the masses at your peril,and do we really need to be policing each others opinions,I might just have age on my side but today's thinking is way out of whack
So a potential new strain of covid is on the horizon and about 1000 new cases reported already in south of england.

Really worrying times if this new strain is even more infectious and dangerous.

Wonder how vaccines will react to the new strain.
It seems to be more infectious - it spreads easier and quicker but not thought to be any more dangerous than other strains of C19.
The vaccine will be effective against it, for those who take the vaccine that is. Those who don't take the vaccine, well no one cares what happens to them.
Seems you are free to agree but go against the masses at your peril,and do we really need to be policing each others opinions,I might just have age on my side but today's thinking is way out of whack
No one is policing anyone's opinions, they are entitled to their own like everyone else, however misguided it is.
But continuously repeating the same conspiracy theories smacks of trolling.
No doubt they will be first in the queue for the vaccine
It seems to be more infectious - it spreads easier and quicker but not thought to be any more dangerous than other strains of C19.
The vaccine will be effective against it, for those who take the vaccine that is. Those who don't take the vaccine, well no one cares what happens to them.

No one is policing anyone's opinions, they are entitled to their own like everyone else, however misguided it is.
But continuously repeating the same conspiracy theories smacks of trolling.
No doubt they will be first in the queue for the vaccine

Ye seems with the new strain could be huge increase in infections.

But read a while back the new strain was on the way which was more deadly than covid 19 so who knows at this point.
My Grandad's 92, he's going for the first injection on Tuesday and the follow up a fortnight later. He still has all his faculties, got out and about most days before covid and can't wait to get some sort of social life back. I just hope the rest of the country gets back to some sort of normality soon after and he gets to enjoy life long enough to make up for the 9 months of life he's been keeping safe and staying home.
God bless your grandad
This is so really simple, if you want the vaccine then that's your right, if you don't want it, that is also your right, I wont have it, I won't get it anyway im to young and no health problems but I wouldnt have it anyway, ive had covid and got over it, my mom for example will be having it thats her choice. And to the ones who are not having it, again your choice... maybe let others make their minds up and don't judge them for it
well this thread was an interesting read, especially as the answer to the ops question only needed a one word yes or no answer lol

Will I take it yes, it's a no brainer in my opinion. Whats the worse that could happen? I could get side effects, I could have an allergic reaction as some one has, although they already suffered bad allergic reactions to a lot of other things which I don't so not likely to happen, I could get something like Cerbral Palsey albeit extremely unlikely, oh but hang on, I already have that, so no negative effect there then, OR could it have the reverse effect and CURE my Cerebral palsey? oh I hope not, I've got used to it now.

I may end up with a chip injected into my arm so my every movement can be tracked, oh yea I carry a mobile phone around so that is happening 24/7 anyway.

I may get infected with 5G, oh well better signal for my phone that Is tracking me 24/7

On the otherhand, if I don't take it what is the worse that could happen - oh yea IT COULD KILL ME

I appreciate some consider it to be rushed, and therefor do no want to take it yet, but did you know the flue vacine is different every year as it is redeveloped to take into consideration the way the virus mutates.

Many labs when wanting to develop new vacines have to get funding before they can start, which apparently takes months if not years as getting money out of the governments is like getting blood out of a stone, that was not the case this time, the money for research/testing & developement was there in a jiffy, Cutting months/years of the time it normally takes.
Looks like LONDON is about to get put into TIER 4 !!!
The rest of us have been having to toe the line in tier3 whilst they have been in 2 , they not going to like it.
This is so really simple, if you want the vaccine then that's your right, if you don't want it, that is also your right, I wont have it, I won't get it anyway im to young and no health problems but I wouldnt have it anyway, ive had covid and got over it, my mom for example will be having it thats her choice. And to the ones who are not having it, again your choice... maybe let others make their minds up and don't judge them for it
Its not as simple as that at all. Unless a significant percentage of the population have the vaccine we arent going to overcome the virus any time soon.
Am not disagreeing with you about "rights" , but if more and more people are saying no ( which doesn't surprise me these days, people are so selfish), then the government are going to have to make it harder for the refusers to continue their everyday lives as we know it.
By that I mean , measures such as, no access to public transport , no access to flights for holidays , no access to , libraries, swimming baths, sports stadiums etc, even privatelky owned facilities like pubs restaurants etc may have to have pressure put on them to favour vaccinated patrons. If people want to excersise their "right" as you put it despite the medical experts advice and findings , then there will have to be consequences to persuade as many people as possible to participate.
This is far too serious a situation to allow the average "joe" bto decide whether we prevail or fail in this fight and lets be honest it is a fight and its getting progressively worse as of late.
Its not as simple as that at all. Unless a significant percentage of the population have the vaccine we arent going to overcome the virus any time soon.
Am not disagreeing with you about "rights" , but if more and more people are saying no ( which doesn't surprise me these days, people are so selfish), then the government are going to have to make it harder for the refusers to continue their everyday lives as we know it.
By that I mean , measures such as, no access to public transport , no access to flights for holidays , no access to , libraries, swimming baths, sports stadiums etc, even privatelky owned facilities like pubs restaurants etc may have to have pressure put on them to favour vaccinated patrons. If people want to excersise their "right" as you put it despite the medical experts advice and findings , then there will have to be consequences to persuade as many people as possible to participate.
This is far too serious a situation to allow the average "joe" bto decide whether we prevail or fail in this fight and lets be honest it is a fight and its getting progressively worse as of late.
Sorry mate but I'm not going to have an injection to please other people, ive had covid and got over it, I follow all the rules set by the government and have done from day 1, I still got covid and self isolated for the timeframe that was required off me, im still following every government guideline, but having an injection that I 100% don't need as I'm young and I keep my self extremely fit, well I'm sorry but I draw the line at that
Its not as simple as that at all. Unless a significant percentage of the population have the vaccine we arent going to overcome the virus any time soon.
Am not disagreeing with you about "rights" , but if more and more people are saying no ( which doesn't surprise me these days, people are so selfish), then the government are going to have to make it harder for the refusers to continue their everyday lives as we know it.
By that I mean , measures such as, no access to public transport , no access to flights for holidays , no access to , libraries, swimming baths, sports stadiums etc, even privatelky owned facilities like pubs restaurants etc may have to have pressure put on them to favour vaccinated patrons. If people want to excersise their "right" as you put it despite the medical experts advice and findings , then there will have to be consequences to persuade as many people as possible to participate.
This is far too serious a situation to allow the average "joe" bto decide whether we prevail or fail in this fight and lets be honest it is a fight and its getting progressively worse as of late.

The level of manipulation you suggest all but removes the right to choose whether to be vaccinated or not. Basically have the vaccine or be excluded from society.
Sorry mate but I'm not going to have an injection to please other people, ive had covid and got over it, I follow all the rules set by the government and have done from day 1, I still got covid and self isolated for the timeframe that was required off me, im still following every government guideline, but having an injection that I 100% don't need as I'm young and I keep my self extremely fit, well I'm sorry but I draw the line at that
Well as you said , you dont need a vaccine you have already had the virus. I'll let you on the bus :LOL:
The level of manipulation you suggest all but removes the right to choose whether to be vaccinated or not. Basically have the vaccine or be excluded from society.
If things carry on deteriorating as they are , there will be some level of manipulation , there has to be , NHS are dreading the end of january , they know that the hospital admissions are going to sky rocket because of this 5 day mix , lunacy. We neeed people to be vaccinated and if we cant make the doubters see sense, then we will have to make it harder for those that havent had it.
On the flip side I could say dont have the vaccine and let everyone get heard immunity, as I said if people want it then I say go for it, if you don't want it then that's fine but dont kick people out of society when they choose not to have it when u have millions of fat people who smoke and drink having a say on people not having the needle.