VIP Member
Edit:20th November 2017 - I've just been informed the H52tc build also works well on the H5
Edit:22nd November 2017 - I've been told by @davesbak that the H2H build works well on the H2S, you just need to configure for satellite rather than cable.
EDit:26th March 2018 - Grogbuild has now been build on the H2
Edit: 22nd June 2018 - I suggest if you want the latest build then try Grogbuild FreeRange at
Reflashing online
If you have installed grogbuild since early October 2017 then you can reflash your box online. Otherwise you need to follow the manual flash instructions further down.
1. Press the blue button and then select 'Backup settings'
2. Once backup is complete, select 'Flash online' and then on the next screen press the Green button
3. You should now see Grogbuild at the top of the list. Highlight this and press the green button to flash. If prompted to backup settings select no as we've already done this.
4. Once the files have been downloaded you will be given a menu of options to flash. Select option 2.
5. The box will now flash, this takes a few minutes and your settings should be restored.
New Install / Manual reflash
*Download from
H2, H4, H2H and H5.2tc
If you are reflashing an existing box, please make sure you back up your sytems settings, on ATV this is done by pressing the blue button and then selecting 'Backup settings'. Once flashed you can then press the blue button and select 'Restore Settings'
This is my first build release, it has been used on a few boxes that I have set up so there should be no issues, it has the satellite tuner disabled but instructions below if you wish to use it.
CCcam 2.3.0, mgcamd_1.38r1 installed on H5.2tc only
oscam_atv_emu 1.2 installed
Kiddacs SlyK HD, vskin-HD and slyk-q skins installed - Vskin-HD set up as default.
Installed Plugins :
Picons are installed on your HD when your HD is first setup.
A simple script of mine updates the 'Top Pick', 'In My Shows', 'You Might Like' and 'Watch now' images on the Vskin-HD menu screen via crontab twice a day. Similar to the Top Pick addon for the Slyk 1 HD skin (addon not installed)
Download the zip file and unzip it to a usb stick. So your usb stick should now contain the zgemma folder and it's contents.
On the H5.2tc browse to zgemma/h5 folder and rename noforce to force. Turn off your box and insert the usb stick into the rear usb port and turn the box on. The LED display will say FLSH for a few minutes before the box reboots.
On the H7C turn off your box and insert the usb stick into the rear usb port and turn the box on and press the small button behind the front flap until FLSH appears on the LED. The LED display will say FLSH for a few minutes before the box reboots.
Remove the USB stick from the back of the box and insert a blank usb stick/hdd for recordings etc. I recommend nothing less than 64GB. Now press the menu button on remote and select Setup -> System -> Storage Device -> Initialisation -> YOUR USB DEVICE -> Red Button.
Once the initialisation has completed, hold the power button on remote until a menu appears and select 'Restart Gui'.
Once restarted, just make sure the usb stick/hdd is mounted correctly by pressing the RED button on the remote and selecting Plugins -> Mount Manager. Your USB device should be listed and should say Mount: /media/hdd
If it does just press the exit button until you exit the menus, if it doesn't press the Green button to Setup Mounts and using the Left/Right arrows on the remote change the mount until /media/hdd is selected and press the Green button to save. Answer yes if prompted to restart the box.
I found that the H2 and H4 require a swapfile set up, you can do this by pressing the red button on the remote and selecting Plugins -> SwapManager. Press the Green button to create and then select the usb stick. I found setting to 256mb worked fine. Once the swap file is created, Press the red button to Activate it and then the yellow button to enable 'autostart'. Now press the exit button a few times to return to tv picture.
Now we need to set up your NetID, if you don't know it check my NetID map at and select the Town closest to you. Now press the Menu Button and select Setup -> Service Searching -> Tuner Configuration -> Tuner B
Using the numeric keys on your remote enter your Net ID in the Network ID field. I then set Provider to Scan to Virgin Media UK (Pure) but as we're using ABM this doesn't matter.
Press Green button to save and then select Tuner C and repeat the last step.
If you are using satellite as well select Tuner A and using the Right arrow key on remote change Configuration mode to Simple and press the Green button to save. You may have to press the Green button again if the box scans for satellites.
Now press the exit button once to return to Service Searching menu and select AutoBouquetsMaker->Providers
If wanting Freesat (ie no premim channels) change FreeSat UK to Yes and then using the left/right arrows on remote change FreeSatUK Area to the Area you wish to use. Change the bouquet settings for Freesat as you see fit. I personally just have Main bouquet set to Yes (All Channels) with the other bouquet settings set to no.
If you have a Satellite Line and want the remaining premium change Sky UK to yes and then set the Sky UK:area to your area, and then again set Sky UK: generate main bouquet to yes(All channels) and as above set the sky uk bouquet options as you want.
Now move down to Virgin (UK):Area and using the left/right arrow keys scroll through the list of Net ID's until the one you entered in tuner config above is highlighted. DO NOT change the bouquet options.
Now press the GREEN button to save.
If you have selected both cable and satellite providers above then now select Providers order, make sure cable_uk_virgin is the top item, if not highlight the sat items and press the blue button to move them below the cable_uk_virgin and then press the GREEN button to save changes.
Now press the Green button to run a scan.
Once the scan has completed, press the exit button 4 times to return to TV picture and then press the green button and select EPG-Importer.
Press the Blue button to select sources.
Now select 'Rytec UK/Ireland Virgin XMLTV' so the box is ticked. Now find and select the 'Rytec UK Sat XMLTV' if you have a sat feed connected. (I found the freesat channels didn't populate straight away but when I ran another abm scan it appeared).
Press the Green button to save.
Now press the Yellow button to run a scan. Select yes when prompted. On the right you will see 'Importing: Rytec xxx' once the importing has finished it will show 'Last Updated' with the date.
You can exit this plugin now and the import will continue iin the background.
V-Skin is already setup with pics in menus changing daily
slyk1hd included with no mods, just set it as your skin – menu, setup, usage and gui skin setup
Kiddacs sly-q with no mods included just set as your skin – menu, setup, usage and gui skin setup
Now you need to install and set up your line, if you are using cccam or mgcamd you need to put your CCcam.cfg or newcamd.list file into the /usr/keys folder, if using oscam then the oscam.server file needs to go into /usr/keys/oscam_atv folder.
Now restart the cam by pressing the Menu button and selecting InfoPanel -> Softcam Panel. Use the left/right keys to set the cam1 to the cam type you are using and then press the GREEN button to restart it.
I hope that covers it, if I've missed anything please let me know.
Edit:22nd November 2017 - I've been told by @davesbak that the H2H build works well on the H2S, you just need to configure for satellite rather than cable.
EDit:26th March 2018 - Grogbuild has now been build on the H2
Edit: 22nd June 2018 - I suggest if you want the latest build then try Grogbuild FreeRange at
Reflashing online
If you have installed grogbuild since early October 2017 then you can reflash your box online. Otherwise you need to follow the manual flash instructions further down.
1. Press the blue button and then select 'Backup settings'
2. Once backup is complete, select 'Flash online' and then on the next screen press the Green button
3. You should now see Grogbuild at the top of the list. Highlight this and press the green button to flash. If prompted to backup settings select no as we've already done this.
4. Once the files have been downloaded you will be given a menu of options to flash. Select option 2.
5. The box will now flash, this takes a few minutes and your settings should be restored.
New Install / Manual reflash
*Download from
H2, H4, H2H and H5.2tc
If you are reflashing an existing box, please make sure you back up your sytems settings, on ATV this is done by pressing the blue button and then selecting 'Backup settings'. Once flashed you can then press the blue button and select 'Restore Settings'
This is my first build release, it has been used on a few boxes that I have set up so there should be no issues, it has the satellite tuner disabled but instructions below if you wish to use it.
CCcam 2.3.0, mgcamd_1.38r1 installed on H5.2tc only
oscam_atv_emu 1.2 installed
Kiddacs SlyK HD, vskin-HD and slyk-q skins installed - Vskin-HD set up as default.
Installed Plugins :
- Dream Explorer
- EPG-Importer
- Auto Bouquets Maker
- IPTV Player
- Media Player
- Media Scanner
- Movie Organisor
- OpenWebif
- Picture player
Picons are installed on your HD when your HD is first setup.

A simple script of mine updates the 'Top Pick', 'In My Shows', 'You Might Like' and 'Watch now' images on the Vskin-HD menu screen via crontab twice a day. Similar to the Top Pick addon for the Slyk 1 HD skin (addon not installed)

Download the zip file and unzip it to a usb stick. So your usb stick should now contain the zgemma folder and it's contents.
On the H5.2tc browse to zgemma/h5 folder and rename noforce to force. Turn off your box and insert the usb stick into the rear usb port and turn the box on. The LED display will say FLSH for a few minutes before the box reboots.
On the H7C turn off your box and insert the usb stick into the rear usb port and turn the box on and press the small button behind the front flap until FLSH appears on the LED. The LED display will say FLSH for a few minutes before the box reboots.
Remove the USB stick from the back of the box and insert a blank usb stick/hdd for recordings etc. I recommend nothing less than 64GB. Now press the menu button on remote and select Setup -> System -> Storage Device -> Initialisation -> YOUR USB DEVICE -> Red Button.
Once the initialisation has completed, hold the power button on remote until a menu appears and select 'Restart Gui'.
Once restarted, just make sure the usb stick/hdd is mounted correctly by pressing the RED button on the remote and selecting Plugins -> Mount Manager. Your USB device should be listed and should say Mount: /media/hdd

If it does just press the exit button until you exit the menus, if it doesn't press the Green button to Setup Mounts and using the Left/Right arrows on the remote change the mount until /media/hdd is selected and press the Green button to save. Answer yes if prompted to restart the box.
I found that the H2 and H4 require a swapfile set up, you can do this by pressing the red button on the remote and selecting Plugins -> SwapManager. Press the Green button to create and then select the usb stick. I found setting to 256mb worked fine. Once the swap file is created, Press the red button to Activate it and then the yellow button to enable 'autostart'. Now press the exit button a few times to return to tv picture.
Now we need to set up your NetID, if you don't know it check my NetID map at and select the Town closest to you. Now press the Menu Button and select Setup -> Service Searching -> Tuner Configuration -> Tuner B
Using the numeric keys on your remote enter your Net ID in the Network ID field. I then set Provider to Scan to Virgin Media UK (Pure) but as we're using ABM this doesn't matter.
Press Green button to save and then select Tuner C and repeat the last step.
If you are using satellite as well select Tuner A and using the Right arrow key on remote change Configuration mode to Simple and press the Green button to save. You may have to press the Green button again if the box scans for satellites.
Now press the exit button once to return to Service Searching menu and select AutoBouquetsMaker->Providers
If wanting Freesat (ie no premim channels) change FreeSat UK to Yes and then using the left/right arrows on remote change FreeSatUK Area to the Area you wish to use. Change the bouquet settings for Freesat as you see fit. I personally just have Main bouquet set to Yes (All Channels) with the other bouquet settings set to no.
If you have a Satellite Line and want the remaining premium change Sky UK to yes and then set the Sky UK:area to your area, and then again set Sky UK: generate main bouquet to yes(All channels) and as above set the sky uk bouquet options as you want.
Now move down to Virgin (UK):Area and using the left/right arrow keys scroll through the list of Net ID's until the one you entered in tuner config above is highlighted. DO NOT change the bouquet options.

Now press the GREEN button to save.
If you have selected both cable and satellite providers above then now select Providers order, make sure cable_uk_virgin is the top item, if not highlight the sat items and press the blue button to move them below the cable_uk_virgin and then press the GREEN button to save changes.
Now press the Green button to run a scan.
Once the scan has completed, press the exit button 4 times to return to TV picture and then press the green button and select EPG-Importer.
Press the Blue button to select sources.
Now select 'Rytec UK/Ireland Virgin XMLTV' so the box is ticked. Now find and select the 'Rytec UK Sat XMLTV' if you have a sat feed connected. (I found the freesat channels didn't populate straight away but when I ran another abm scan it appeared).
Press the Green button to save.
Now press the Yellow button to run a scan. Select yes when prompted. On the right you will see 'Importing: Rytec xxx' once the importing has finished it will show 'Last Updated' with the date.
You can exit this plugin now and the import will continue iin the background.
V-Skin is already setup with pics in menus changing daily
slyk1hd included with no mods, just set it as your skin – menu, setup, usage and gui skin setup
Kiddacs sly-q with no mods included just set as your skin – menu, setup, usage and gui skin setup
Now you need to install and set up your line, if you are using cccam or mgcamd you need to put your CCcam.cfg or newcamd.list file into the /usr/keys folder, if using oscam then the oscam.server file needs to go into /usr/keys/oscam_atv folder.
Now restart the cam by pressing the Menu button and selecting InfoPanel -> Softcam Panel. Use the left/right keys to set the cam1 to the cam type you are using and then press the GREEN button to restart it.
I hope that covers it, if I've missed anything please let me know.
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